Chapter 37 Sons

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                                  A/N Just wanted to give a hint as to how much the boys had grown.

The crowd around the tents was notable for two reasons: a) Daniel didn't know most of the people and b) only a dozen men or so dressed English. It made easier to spot the oddballs in the group, including one who didn't belong. At first glance, he wasn't sure the man meandering through the crowd was Ellic Borwick. But then he turned and Daniel saw his face. Someone stepped in between, obstructing Daniel's line of sight. The man pumped Ellic's hand and as if they were old friends. The way Ellic kept one eye toward the B&B as he greeted the man sent warning bells off inside Daniel's head. Even as a plus one, Ellic Borwick was not on the guest list and Daniel would be damned if he'd let the man cause trouble.

Since their last confrontation, the only time Angus heard from his son came in the form of a letter. Daniel still bristled at the gall of the man for threatening his father with a competency exam. The selfishness of humans never ceased to anger Daniel. Ellic seemed determined to prevent anything that interfered with his right of inheritance. The letter upset Angus, scared Addie more than she'd already been and infuriated Daniel. Watching the man move around the other guests brought back a row he'd had with Don and Rose. At the end of the two hour argument, he gave up the idea of making the man disappear into a black hole. Now he wondered if he should've caved.

Still, having a solicitor who'd successfully sued the judicial system of Glesca for a barrister came in almost as handy as the TARDIS. The response letter threatened the solicitor with everything from censure to suing for thousands of pounds in damages. Just to add weight, Daniel's barrister included a newspaper clipping about the substantial reward Glesca's prison system paid out to three motherless children. They thought it ended all the foolishness.

Daniel's jaw twitched and his eyes narrowed with frustrated anger. "Selfish bastart," he muttered as he slammed the boot shut. His eyes diverted to the house long enough to make sure Rose and Mrs Webb had shepherded the kids inside before stalking across the street. Several people shouted hello as he moved through the crowd hunting Jake and Harry. When he found them, they stood with Nick all three drinking beer.

"Hey, Boss, this is a pretty good do," Harry said when he joined them.

"Yeah, thanks to Mairie; she pulled it together. Between her, Katherine and Jackie -- it's turned ou alright. I need a favour," he said nodding toward Ellic. "That's Angus' son. He's a bit of a --"

"Wanker," Nick filled in.

"Oi, language. There's church people and kids here. Just flank him while I talk to him. If he has plans on jumpin' up in the middle of the ceremony, I want him hustled out before he can ruin things. He still has a thing against Addie."

"How anybody could have a problem with Addie is beyond me. I thought your barrister put an end to his...." Harry glanced around, "obnoxious behaviour."

Daniel chewed his lip. "I did too. I don't know, maybe it's an anti-German thing mixed with pure greed. What he thinks he'll get from that croft is beyond me. Angus had it deeded to the Highland Conservancy after his threat. When he and Addie ... anyway, it'll be preserved as a working Highland's croft."

Jake looked over at the man continuing his trek toward the house. They weren't sure if it was arrogance or stupidity that made him so unaware of his surroundings. He  still hadn't noticed Daniel watching his journey. "Okay, so we toss him out before he starts shite," he said.

"No, just flank him while I talk to him. I'll be nice this time. I can do nice." Daniel's face pinched. "But in case my brilliant smile and daft  gob fails, make sure  I don't punch him. Addie and Rose will be really narked if I punch him."

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