Chapter 38 All Paths lead to the Beginning

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Promptly at two, Mairi wrangled the participants and guests into all the right positions. Robbie and Tony proudly kicked a red carpet down the tent aisle whilst ignoring murmurs of 'how cute' and 'oh aren't they sweet.' The first rush of noise from the bagpiper signalled the start of the wedding and then stopped. Rose stood next to a girl she didn't know, clutching a bouquet of red and white roses, swallowing down the contents of her stomach. She had no idea why standing in this line of attendants and ushers made her so nervous. Her stomach gurgled and she flashed an apologetic look at the girl next to her. The first strains of The Highland Cathedral started, and Rose clamped a hand over mouth and bolted.

Attendants scattered to avoid the mess already oozing between her fingers as she found a plant and exploded. The sound of Jackie's voice cut into her brain and then Daniel was there pushing people away. "Oi," Jackie yelped when he pushed her. "Rose? Someone get a towel!" Rose reached out and his hand was there.

"That's just gross!" Robbie cried.

"Ewww," Tony added.

"Can everyone just go back in the tent," Katherine ordered.

"Oh, God, I'm--" Rose heaved again.

Someone pressed a cold wet towel in Daniel's hand and he pressed it against her neck. When she finished, she raised up to a sea of concerned faces. "Must have been the haggis I tasted; should've known better," she groaned as Daniel looped an arm around her waist. He pressed a gentle kiss against her sweaty temple and flooded all the reassurance he could through their link.

"Em, they'll be a short wait while we get this -- fixed," he said to crowded guests. "You ate haggis?" he asked, as he guided her toward the street.

Still shaking, Rose rolled her eyes, "This is so shamin', I've ruined everythin," she mumbled, tears burning already reddened eyes.

"Well, hav'ta say, I can't believe you ate haggis. It's not some weird --"

"No," she said thickly. "Oh," she groaned and swallowed again.

They'd reached the threshold of the B&B before he realised they weren't alone. Stepping up on the front stoop, he suddenly found himself getting shunted aside by women.

"Go make sure the grooms don't disappear," Jackie ordered, removing his hand from Rose's waist.

"What? No! I'm not leavin' her," he answered.

"Daniel, go. Now. We'll take care of this" Katherine said.


She flashed a wan smile and nodded toward the tents across the road. "It'll be fine. You can't help redo my makeup or salvage this dress, so go on back." He felt a reassuring brush against his mind as a woman's hand opened the door. Her mother looped an arm around her waist and ushered her inside. "I'm sorry Mrs MacDonald, I shouldn't have picked today to try haggis," was the last he heard as the door closed him out and a gaggle of women clucking their concerns in.

He walked back, casting worried glances over his shoulder as he put distance between him and Rose. He felt her in his head, reassuring him, but he hated not holding her. When he finally focused on the expectant faces of the crowd, he swallowed. The possibility of making it through the day with their secret intact slipped further away. And then? The answer was easy. They'd all find out if he really could regenerate. He didn't want to regenerate. He liked this face. It was a good face and he'd grown used to the tiny crinkles at the corners of his eyes and all the freckles. He liked the cleft in his chin and the way his hair tended to fall across his eyes. He'd grown used to the idea of watching it age, albeit slowly. "She's fine -- it was the haggis. And nerves. Haggis and nerves. Don't know why she'd be nervous. It's not like we're doing it. This, I mean we're not doing this. We're not the ones getting married," he stammered, as he came to a stop in front of Pete.

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