Chapter 2

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Two weeks earlier

Deaton- "your pregnant"

Stiles- I blink "but I can't be, I'm male"

Deaton- "the only way you can get pregnant is if you have sex with an Alpha male and the only Alpha males I know of in Beavon Hills is Alpha are Scott and Derek"

Stiles- "well the only time I have ever had sex was the dude at a club out of Beacon Hills, me and dad went for a trip for the summer and because it also included work, he was out now and again, so I was bored and decided to go to a club were I meet Jake, while drunk off my arse, so it's either he's an Alpha or this is a miracle, and it's more like it's him"

Deaton- "well then that explains it, Derek well let's just say has a secret but rather not say what even though it wouldn't of been surprising if you slept with him and as for Scott well you both see each other as siblings, as brothers"

Stiles- "I think Derek rather would throw me into walls instead of sleeping with me and your definitely right about the whole me and Scott brother thing"

Deaton- "well we should talk about another matter, a serious one"

Stiles- "and that is?"

Deaton- "if you have this baby as a human, let's just say the baby will survive but"

Stiles- I clicked "I won't will I"

Deaton- "not unless you get the bit with between now and the birth won't harm the child at all but make if more better especially with it more likely being a wolf then a human"

Stiles- I nod "I understand doctor, I will think about it"

Deaton- I nod "right well I will give you some perceptions which you will need to take, which you don't need to really buy behind the counter because they will be on the shelves majority of them near the baby area but some will be more difficult to get, you next meet for the Pregnancy will be next months of the 13th, please do come"

Stiles- I take the paper and smile "thank you every much Deaton"

Deaton- "your welcome Mr Stilinski and if you need anything especially to do with either the baby or supernatural I am a call or two away and if you want to talk in person, I am always here majority of the time throughout the weeks"

Stiles- I nod and leave with a goodbye



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