Chapter 14

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One month later

Priest- "will you Derek Hale take Mieczyslaw Stilinski to be your wedded husband?"

Derek- I nod "I do" I slide the ring on

Priest- "and do you Mieczyslaw Stilinski take Derek Hale to be your wedded husband?"

Stiles- I smile at my mate "I do" sliding the ring on him

Priest- "and now I pronounce you as husband and husband, you may kiss"

Stiles- we kiss when I felt something wet between my legs "I think she's coming early"

Derek- "what?" I say looking down seeing the water like substance beneath his feet. I pick him up not caring about the the wetness and put him in my car with the other getting into their own cars, as I get in the drivers side after Isaac hops into the back with Stiles who's head is within our cubs lap

I drive us to the clinic, pushing open the door and heading into the back with Deaton who was at the front but obviously knows what is happening

I lay him down the table when and help him through the pregnancy


Stiles- I smile down at my baby girl within my arms

Isaac- "what's her name?"

Stiles- "Jasmine Talia Stilinski-Hale"

Erica- "A perfect name for a perfect girl"

Stiles- we was banging when I look up seeing Jake "what the hell you doing here?!"

Jake- "well she is my child also"

Stiles- "you are not taking her away from me"

Hannah (Jake's mother)- "I would think so to him about keeping the baby"

Stiles- "then were was he for the past eight months of my pregnancy, how about when I asked him about the bit because it was either a life or death situation and how about my mate adopting my child making her fully mine and his child, not yours, so try suing or us all you want, your not having her and she deserve to stay with her mother and if Jake wants to get to know her then he has to have supervised visits with me, my mate, my father who by the way is the Sheriff in this time with a few of his colleagues and mine and Derek's pack including her godfathers pack which includes two hunter within it, if you refuse all of those people being there, then you won't get to see her at all"

Jake- "Stiles this isn't fair"

Stiles- "well tuff life isn't fair but you weren't there for me at all, not like my mate and my pack, you turned me away when I asked for the bit because if I was human right now, well I would be dead"

Jake- "I'm sorry isn't that enough"

Stiles- "not it isn't and it never will"

Jake- "I have money, I will marry you and you can have anything"

Stiles- I put my hand up showing him the ring seeing Derek doing the same "your abit too late for the marriage proposal and the wedding and I don't need your money plus why would I marriage or be with jerk like you"

Jake- "well you was the one who had sex with me that night"

Stiles- " yeah because I was drunk off my arse but never would change it for a world because it got me my daughter"

Jake- "our daughter"

Stiles- "no, mine and Derek's daughter, now please leave I have already been through enough pain not just with you but because my baby girl Jasmine Talia Stilinski-Hale which is written on the birth certificate including Derek being the father"

Hannah- I shake my head "you won't get away with this"

Stiles- "oh I think I already have"



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