Chapter 10

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Stiles- I get out of the shower when I catch myself in the mirror and stroke my stomach smiling at myself "I'm getting bigger" I say knowing Derek can hear

Derek- I walk into the room stroking his four month baby bump, it's feel like everything is going extremely quick lately but so worth it at the end game

Stiles- I lean back before hearing my stomach growl "well looks like some is hungry"

Derek- "indeed, I made pancakes with bacon, how does that sound"

Stiles- "amazing, do we have any pickles left"

Derek- I nod "yeah stoked up yesterday" it's a new craving that he has had for the last few days

Stiles- "great" I say walking downstairs and grabbing a plate, piling  it up with pancakes and another with bacon as I pour some pickle juice over pancakes with syrup. I hear a noise beside me and look up at Isaac raising my eyes brow as I give him a look as if I dare him to say something about me new cravings

Isaac- "just not for me"

Stiles- I snort as I pick up my fork and start eating


Stiles- "I know we have a good five months left but I think we should start decorating"

Derek- "that's the thing, you have to wait because I am doing a surprise for you"

Stiles- I jump up "oh what is it"

Derek- "the word surprise means that it is a surprise and you can't find out yet until it's time to show it to you"

Stiles- "ooooh I so can't wait, love surprises"

Derek- I chuckle walking over and kissing him "I know love, like the other kind when I gave you those handcuffs that I allowed you to use on me"

Stiles- "oh that night was amazing, wish we can do that again"

Derek- I nip his ear "how about now love, seeing as Isaac and the others are out meaning we have the place to ourselves"

Stiles- I smirk "indeed we do" I say as I press my lips to his



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