Chapter 7

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Stiles- I blink awake finding myself within warmth and a comfy chest which for some reason is moving. I look up seeing Derek and it makes me make a weird a-woo purring like noise as I put my face in his neck loving his sent 'mate' is all I can think which means Derek is my mate, which he probably already know that and has been hiding it this whole time but the again I am not surprised, he has only ever know me for liking girls for example Lydia but now he does especially with the whole Jake and baby situation.

Derek- I smile down at him seeing him scenting me and making his little fox purring noise "well hello there little fox"

Stiles- I jump landing on his lap and looking down at him as I feel a blush appear on my face both by getting caught as well as the position "when were you going to tell me we are mates?"

Derek- I sit up "well I only new before you liked girls and didn't know you liked boys at all, I feared rejection or you being forced into a relationship because of us being mates all because of you always putting people's emotions and wants before others, so I daren't say anything about you, it frustrated me alot which is were the wall pushing and all the rest came in but I never want to hurt you"

Stiles- I smile lean down with our nose touching "would you react like if I told you I have liked you since seeing you in the woods, yeah I still liked Lydia for a few more months but I got over that surprisingly easily because of you being within my life, she knew I didn't like her anymore but we still played along with me still pretending to like her, so no one else knew because I didn't think you liked me back"

Derek- I close the distance for a few second pressing our lips togethe before pulling back and looking up at him "of course I like you firstly myself then my wolf, so it's not fully on my wolf just liking you, I like you too"

Stiles- "good" I lean down kissing him which turned into more of a make out before I heard movement downstairs knowing now that people are within the loft. I pull away "I think the others are wondering what's going on, seems like Scott and his pack are here to and Scott is demanding on whatever going on" I say getting up as I see Derek doing the same as we put our trousers on but I keep Derek's top on, it doesn't show my very little baby bump, with my little peanut inside of me. I go down stairs with Derek following me behind "why are you demanding things Scott this isn't your pack?"

Scott- I look up "Stiles what are you doing here?"

Stiles- "I am here with my mate and pack"

Scott- "mate?"

Stiles- "yeah like the urge you have to always be around Allison all the time, that's one of the things of what it's like to be a mate, mate as in soulmates, as in forever, wolf married or whatever you want to call it"

Scott- I catch his scent "you scent has changed as well as smelling like Derek and someone else"

Stiles- "well I am like you now but another creature and as for the rest it's none of your business other than me smelling like Derek because he is my mate plus I slept in his bed last night because I got the bit"

Scott- I roar "you bit him!" I say charging towards Derek to have Stiles stop me by throwing me across the room, I look up seeing bright orange fire eyes

Stiles- "I asked for this and yes my dad knows, so back off and leave with your pack, your pack has done here, you are only allowed here when there is meeting called, nothing else even if it's a school project or you being friends with someone in mine and Derek's pack, you can do that that in your own homes but what happens in our pack stays in our pack, same with yours what's in your pack stays in your pack. I watch as Scott got up and left with Allison and the others by his side

Allison- "we are going to tell our father about this, if you mentioned there beign another sent it could be because rhe Nogitsune is back" (she wasn't killer but Aiden was, she got hurt but got luck)

Stiles- I caught what she said "did you hear that?" I say turning to the others who shakes their head 'no'. I the turn back looking out the window "we need to get Mr Argent on our side because Allison believes the Nogitsune is back and I think they are going to try and hurt me, with or without her father"



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