Chapter 3 - Class Trial

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A/N: There will be mentions of bullying and suicide in this chapter. If that's something you're sensitive to, I'd suggest sitting this one out. Please take care of your mental health.



"Let's go over the rules of the class trial!"

Monokuma has returned to his position on his large golden throne to look over the students that have gathered in this circle again. Only ten of them remain at this point and they'll leave this room with one less or not at all. Jihun's, Daichi's and Eri's portraits join the ones of Mana, Kaya and Kenji. The X that marks Eri's portrait as her being gone roughly follows the shape of her pigtails, curving a little at the ends. Minoru noticably avoids looking at the portrait, instead casting his eyes downwards. Hikaru reacts in a similiar way to the portraits of Jihun and Daichi, trying to look anywhere but at those.

"With the evidence, you'll have to figure out who murdered Takita Daichi and Hanai Eri! The end result will be determined by a vote. If more than half of you votes for the blackened, only they will receive punishment." Monokuma snickers, a truly sinister smile on his face "However, if you point at the wrong person, I will punish all the innocent students, and the culprit will be free to leave the school trip! Good luck!"

"Everything seems so straight-forward about this case, this is going to be hard..." Youta mutters, tugging on his scarf.

"Not everything is straight-forward. A few things are weird about it." Hikaru corrects.

"Should we just start with the facts we know again?" Arisa suggests "It worked well enough before."

"Sure." Mai lazily clasps her hands together "Murder talk. Let's go."

"What do we want to talk about though?" Kaori asks "It's pretty obvious they both died from blood loss because of their injuries."

"That's true..." Minoru mutters, gripping his head as he grits his teeth "Where do we even start?"

"How about the general order of events...?" Hachiro proposes.

"It's something. Let's just start already." Ryoko rolls her eyes.

Truth bullet used:
Monokuma file: A detailed autopsy on Daichi's and Eri's deaths.

"This is tricky, especially since two people died..." Hikaru sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"Both of them d-died from blood loss." Chinami adds "We found the k-kitchen knife."

"Anyone could've done it then." Minoru mutters "We all had access to the kitchen knife, especially with how close to was to the... crime scene."

"Yeah, that's true." Youta agrees.

"We can't rule anyone out based on strength either. There's not much that goes into stabbing someone to death." Arisa sighs.

"So... someone went in, stabbed Hanai and then killed Takita when he saw?" Mai asks.

"That's wrong, actually." Juro brings a hand to his chin "Nakahara-san, where did you pick up that Hanai-san died first? The Monokuma files give the time of death for both of them, and Daichi died first."

"Ah, I must've read over that, my bad." Mai rubs the back of her neck "I just figured that since Hanai was kinda lying in the kitchen and Takita in the cafetaria, it was weird if he died first. I mean, if I saw a corpse lying in the cafetaria, my first instinct would be noping outta there."

"Couldn't Hanai-san have stumbled in on the culprit... killing Takita-kun?" Hikaru asks.

"Then her body should've been in the cafetaria too." Ryoko counters.

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