Chapter 4 - Deadly Life

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It's happening again.

Juro looks around, waiting for Monokuma to pop up. He's not sure how to reach out to Youta. How can he? He has comforted so many people and yet he seems stuck now, lost. He wishes he could come up with a reasonable explanation, but maybe it's just the despair setting in.

Maybe he has become too broken to mend anyone else's pieces.

"Well, won't you look at that? That was faster than I expected!" Monokuma chirps, popping up.

Minoru grits his teeth "Cut it out with the nonsense."

"Still upset over the last murder?" Monokuma taunts, permanent grin still on his face as his eye glows red. Minoru tenses up, prompting the bear to laugh "Upupupu, I knew it. My despair senses are tingling whenever I'm around you!"

"You..." The ghost hunter hisses, clenching his fists by his side.

"Okay, okay. Monokuma, how about you just give us the file and fuck off." Kaori cuts Minoru off as she walks in, taking off her glasses to wipe the condensation from them with her blouse "And fix your greenhouse because the temperature here is whack. Heating up these things isn't working today."

"Everyone's getting agitated and the trial hasn't even started yet. I'm so excited!" Monokuma chuckles "Since I'm in a good mood, you'll get the Monokuma file despite your horrible attitude. You should know where to find it by now. Enjoy!"

"Horrible attitude my ass." Kaori grumbles "You have no leg to stand on, prick." She glares at the nearby camera, flipping it off.

*Let's investigate instead of throwing fits. Those won't help anyone.* Ryoko signs with a blank expression.

Juro nods, pulling out his Monopad to go over the Monokuma file.

The victim is Ebisu Hachiro, the Ultimate Clown.

The body was discovered in the greenhouse.

The victim suffered from blunt cranial trauma, which resulted in traumatic brain injury and death. Part of the back of the victim's skull is fractured, with bone fragments having entered and damaged the brain. There's also severe trauma to the cervical vertebrae

Furthermore, the back of the victim's head is bleeding.

Truth bullet obtained!
Monokuma file: A detailed autopsy report on Hachiro's death.

Juro tugs on his earring, looking at the screen of his Monopad when someone taps him on his shoulder.

Once she has his attention, Ryoko quickly puts a sentence together *This is the first file where the time of death is missing.*

Juro nods in agreement, signing a response *I noticed it too. Do you think this could be relevant for the case?*

*Considering Monokuma likes messing with us, it's likely. I think he wouldn't have left it out if it didn't make things too easy for his liking. He wants entertainment out of this, after all.*

*Good point. Let's figure this out together.*

Ryoko raises an eyebrow *You want to investigate together?*

Juro smiles and shrugs *Why not? If you don't mind.*

*Sure.* Ryoko responds, before making her way to Kaori, who's already investigating the body.

Youta is nearby too, but not really interacting with any of the others. Him and Kaori seem fine with ignoring each other, for the time being at least.

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