Chapter 5 - Class Trial

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"Let's go over the rules of the class trial!"

Another two portraits have joined them in the trial room, leaving it more and more empty now that barely a third of the original sixteen are still alive. Hikaru's monochrome portrait is positioned the highest of all of them, referencing that he was the tallest person in their class. Instead of a simple X crossing out his face, Monokuma decided to outline Hikaru's body in pink and put a pink X over each eye to mark him as dead. Juro shudders when recalling the tattoo artist's execution.

Youta's portrait is marked with only a pink X. It seems Monokuma didn't feel like adding extra decorations to his.

"With the evidence, you'll have to figure out who murdered Fukui Youta! The end result will be determined by a vote. If more than half of you votes for the blackened, only they will receive punishment." Monokuma snickers "However, if you point at the wrong person, I will punish all the innocent students, and the culprit will be free to leave the school trip! Good luck!"

"And we're back at it." Mai sighs and crosses her arms "So? What's the plan?"

"There's a lot going on with this case and yet nothing at all." Minoru grits his teeth "It's like nothing is connected."

"There's a lot of connections." Ryoko mentions "Though one of the first strange things I noticed is that a lot is missing from the Monokuma file. Normally we at least get the cause of death."

"So then the c-cause of death must be important, right?" Chinami asks "But how do we g-get there."

"Let's start with putting the pieces together of what happened this morning." Kaori suggests "That's easy enough and might get us on the right track."

Juro nods "Let's get to it."

Truth bullet used:
Kaori's account: Kaori claims Ryoko was the first to notice the smell and woke her up in the morning. She woke up Minoru afterwards while Ryoko woke up Chinami, who got Juro.

"Okay, can someone tell me what happened? I think I was the last one to wake up." Mai says.

"You woke up just after Sasaki-kun. I g-got him while Asada-kun got you." Chinami adds "Yuuma-san woke me up."

"So then Zayasu was up first?"

"That's wrong." Juro points out "Zayasu-san claimed she was woken up by Yuuma-san, who was up first."

"Unless one of you was pretending to be asleep, I was indeed up first." Ryoko confirms "My ears suck, but my nose is pretty sensitive. I picked up on the smell once it became strong enough and it woke me up."

"Yuuma-san woke up Zayasu-san and then got Shikata-san while Zayasu-san got Asada-kun. He woke up Nakahara-san while Shikata-san woke me up and Yuuma-san went to get Fukui-kun... when we saw him and the announcement played."

"So most of us saw the body at the same time. That discovery rule won't be of any use either then." Mai groans.

"Unfortunately not." Kaori sighs.

"Zayasu-san, what were you doing while we were waking the last few people up?" Minoru asks.

"Looking for a way out." Kaori answers "I figured going after you three would only be a waste of time, so I tried finding a way for us to not die from smoke inhalation. Then I figured out the windows were closed and smashed one." She makes a face while touching her elbow "Wouldn't recommend that."

"Are you okay?" Chinami whispers.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Let's focus on surviving this trial first." Kaori smiles.

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