Chapter 1 - Daily Life 1/3

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"Now what?" Eri wonders out loud, somehow maintaining a straight face through it all.

"Now what?! We're stuck here!" Kaya exclaims loudly, throwing her hands in the air as she paces back and forth, before going back to fidgeting with her bracelet. The heels of her low boots click against the ground.

"Quit your pacing. Looking at it is making me tired." Mai mutters, crossing her arms. She earns a glare from the candle maker with her response.

"Never seeing our loved ones again...?" Hikaru asks, gripping his head as he looks like he's about to crumble.

"I don't want to do this." Chinami sobs softly, tears falling from her eyes "I don't want to be here."

Kenji places a hand on her shoulder and gives the shaken figure skater a comforting smile "No one wanted this to happen, Shikata-san. We understand what you're going through."

"I'm sure this is just a very elaborate prank!" Jihun smiles, clapping in his hands, which are covered by his long sleeves.

Arisa aims a knife at him, although she does keep it securely in her hand, causing Jihun to squeek "How on earth is this a prank to you?"

"I'm sure we'll figure something out, right?" Mana asks, holding out her arms with a smile, carrying herself with very open and welcoming body language.

"Maybe..." Hachiro mutters, his hands in his pockets.

"You have nothing to fear! I'll protect everyone!" Minoru exclaims, holding a clenched fist in front of him while stretching an open hand out towards Eri "Hanai-san, could you return my ghost visualizer?" He barely dodges the flashlight when it's thrown at his head "What was that for?!"

"As long as you don't give anyone a reason to kill, why would a murder occur?" Daichi smiles, looking at the palm of his hand.

After a beat of silence, Youta lifts a hand to his chin and mutters "So we're really trapped in a killing game, huh?"

"You just realized that?!" Kaori pinches the bridge of her nose "You're more idiotic than I'd originally anticipated."

"Guys..." Juro begins, wanting everyone to stop fighting already.

"Shut your mouths." A robotic voice they haven't heard before suddenly says. Ryoko is standing near the edge of the group with a blank expression and her monopad in her hands. She types something on it and the voice starts speaking again "Everyone's talking rapidly, all at once and I can't read your lips." She sighs and rolls her grey eyes "If you already go this crazy this early on, all of you are going to die."

"What are you saying?" Kaya asks, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists by her sides as she stops her pacing.

"Thank the heavens, she stopped walking." Mai mutters, placing a hand on her forehead while tilting her head back slightly and closing her eyes, a dramatic flair to her actions.

Ryoko finishes typing, thus the voice continues "What I'm saying is that if you can't keep your cool when the situation isn't even that bad, you stand no chance. It's going to get worse starting now. Learn to not go crazy the second something bad happens or you're just asking to get killed."

"Stop it!" Chinami sinks to her knees, placing both of her hands over her ears in an attempt to block out the words.

"Like it or not, but this is the truth. Deal with it."

"Finally someone said it!" Kaori exclaims, throwing her hands in the air.

"You were the one getting mad for no reason though." Youta says calmly after a beat of silence, tilting his head just slightly.

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