💔 Double Heartbreak 💔 Part 2: "Only The Money"

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Ship(s): ❤️ Dracy (Drew × Stacy)
                💔 Droey (Drew × Zoey)

Type: 😭/🥺


Third-person POV: (Drew's perspective)

Drew had just gotten off the phone with Stacy. She sounded really down during the call. He wondered why. He was one of her best friends, if not her only one, and he knew that, since she told him herself. She even told him about her harsh life at home with her dad, which he reluctantly agreed to keep a secret even though he wanted to beat the living daylights out of him.

"Did he do something to her again?!" he thought as he anxiously paced up and down his bedroom while waiting for her to arrive. When he heard the doorbell ring he dashed out of his bedroom and to the front door, practically swinging it open to reveal Stacy standing on the other side.

"Hey Stacy" Drew said.

"Hey Drew" Stacy replied, an audible sad tone in her voice.

"You okay?" Drew asked, concerned.

"Would you feel 'Okay' after you just found out that your lover doesn't actually love you?" Stacy asked, seemingly on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"I- Wait- Luke broke up with you?!" Drew shouted. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He always thought that Stacy and Luke were the 'Perfect couple'. The couple who had never had anything wrong in their relationship. He was really happy when she told him that they had started dating, but he was also jealous. By that time he had also caught feelings for Stacy, and he was jealous of Luke because of it. He felt sorry for Stacy because of the current situation she was in, but he also felt hopeful. "Maybe I still have a chance with her after all!" Drew thought as he led her to his bedroom so that they could talk privately without his parents or housemaids bothering them.

Once they've made it there Drew gently sits Stacy down on his bed and tells her to wait there. He then leaves the room to go get a few boxes of tissues, since he could see that she would start crying at any moment. While he was gone, Stacy took some time to observe his room, because every time she would come over they would either be hanging out in the living room or taking a stroll through his parents' beautiful rose gardens while just telling each other about their day.

(I'm too lazy to write a description of his room, so y'all are just going to have to imagine what it looks like yourselves 😅)

Drew returned soon after Stacy was done observing the room, holding two big boxes of tissues. He walked up to his bed and sat down beside her, placing the stacked boxes on his lap. "So, how did it happen?" Drew asked, referring to Stacy's break-up. She started telling him everything and, although he was fully paying attention, his mind couldn't help but wander. He thought about something that she had asked him earlier...

"Would you feel 'okay' after you just found out that your lover doesn't actually love you?"

Although it was meant to be a rhetorical question, it still brought back an immensely painful memory...


Drew was walking around the huge shopping mall in search of his girlfriend, Zoey. She had left him in a clothing store to pay for the three pairs of expensive jeans that she had chosen. He just assumed that she had gone to a different store to look for other things to buy, and that she must be waiting for him. He spent the next forty-five minutes going in and out of clothing stores, jewelry stores and any other places that he thought she would go to. He even tried calling her a few times, but, for some reason, she wasn't picking up. He was just about to give up, but when he went to the entrance he saw something that he never wanted, or expected, to see...

Zoey was with another guy...

And they were kissing...

Drew couldn't believe his eyes. Was the most important girl in his life really cheating on him? No... She couldn't be! He was only seeing things! The guy that was with her was just a figment of his imagination, right?!

He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times to clearify his vision. (Is "Clearify" even a word?)

It wasn't an illusion.

Drew felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He was aware of the tears that were welling up in his eyes, however he blinked them back. He then quietly sneaks up behind the two and drops the shopping bags on the floor with a loud thump! The noise caused both of them to quickly spin around in alarm. He was now faced with a very startled Zoey who looked like she had just seen a ghost, tightly clinging to her sugar-daddy's arm. Her sugar-daddy on the other hand had a bewildered look on his face, but Drew payed no mind to that. Instead, he just stared at Zoey in disbelief. The lime-eyed girl took this as an opportunity to say something, as she inhaled deeply. "Drew-" she started, however was cut off by the mentioned boy dashing out the shopping center's exit.

Drew was now running the short distance from the mall to his house, tears blurring his eyes, making it difficult to see properly.

"It was all a lie!"

"She never loved you!"

"She just used you for the money!"

"Only the money"

As much as Drew wanted to deny it, he just couldn't. And the more he thought about it, the more he realized that, well...

It was true

End of flashback

To be continued...


Total: 947 words

There will be a part 3, which is going to be the final one to this- uh... three-shot?? Idk!

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