2 | Ryewook

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"Yeonjun you ready to go?"

Dr. Lee steps into my now ex-bedroom, which looks bare and pale without my things filling it.

The covers on my bed have been stripped down to the matress, and once I leave, they'll be replaced with new bedsheets, for the next unfortunate soul to sleep on.

I'm wearing white hoodie, with black joggers that hug my legs, and the white nike airforces that the hospital provided me all those years ago.

I nod.

"You alright?"

He crouches down in front of where I'm sitting, leaning on the bed frame.

He gets his warm hand and gently places the back of it on my forehead.

"You don't feel warm..."

"I'm fine."

I say not lifting my eyes from the floor, instead cocking my head in the doctors direction.

"Are you sure? If it's going too fast for you, just tell me."

The doctor says concernedly.

"Yeah, just a bit tired. Didn't sleep properly last night."

It's not exactly a lie. I didn't sleep very well last night.

He clearly didn't want me to.

"Ah, I see. Maybe you can have a little nap in the car? The place isn't too far, it's still within Seoul, but it's a bit of a journey. See if you can catch up on sleep in the car, yeah?"

He tells me.

I nod in response.

"Come on then." He says taking my large padding jacket from where I had carelessly thrown it over the end of the bed frame earlier.

The kind doctor holds the jacket open for me, and I get up and slip my arms into the holes and Dr. Lee helps me zip the jacket up.

Its long enough to pass my knees, and it's a favorite of mine.

He opens the door for me, and I walk toward it, turning around to take in the place where I stayed, slept and ate, for the past 12 years.

I turn and follow Dr. Lee outside, where the cold bites into my skin.

I had no restrictions in exploring the hospital grounds during my stay, but I hadn't been out for a while, so the cold startles me a bit.

"How about I give you a few minutes, while I talk to the driver, and get the car started and warm?"

I nod once again, before turning around and looking at the large building where I grew up, went through puberty, became an adult, considered a home, for 12 years.

I send a silent thank you toward the building, before turning around to see Dr. Lee waiting patiently for me.

He opens the door of the car and I climb in, fumbling with my seat belt, as I'm not in cars often, until Dr. Lee steps in and does it for me.

He gets in himself and settles himself beside me, before giving the driver the signal to start driving.

I startle him by suddenly giving him a hug.

"What's the matter Yeonjun?"

"Thank you." I say.

"Don't thank me I'm just doing my j-"

"For nurturing me and teaching me. For being there for me. For being a dad to me."

He silent for a minute before I feel a hand on my head.

"Thank you for being the best patient I ever had Yeonjun."

"Don't thank me Dr. Lee-"


He says.

"What?" I say, confused.

"We're not in the hospital, and as of today, once I hand you over, I'll no longer be your doctor. I'll keep in touch obviously, but I don't think there any reason to hold up formalities anymore." He replies sadly.

"Dr. Lee Ryewook ." I say trying the name out on my tongue.

"Sounds posh, doesn't it?" He says letting out a chuckle.

"No I like it. It sounds cool."

I say, still clinging to him.

"Funnily enough, the doctor who I'm giving you over to said the same thing."

Ryewook starts laughing a bit.

"Oh you know the doctor?"

"Yep, he's an old friend of mine. I wouldn't let anyone take you, you know."

I hug him tighter. Another thing which he's gone out of his way to do for me.

"Right, but anyways,"

He says shaking his head a little bit;

"Instead of cutting off my blood circulation, maybe you could use this time wisely and take a nap. After all, no offense, but you look like you could use one."

He tells me pointedly.

I nod, finally withdrawing myself from him, and I curl up into a ball in the corner of my seat, putting my hands together then shoving them under my head.

Sleep comes to me almost instantly, and as I start to dose off, I hear someone say:

"Good night Yeonjun. It's going to be hard letting you go, but I'm doing what's best for you. After all, they could probably do a whole lot more for you, more than we could do at a stretch."


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