I am with you

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-In the Tree House-

Anna reads the letter. It was from Olaf.

"I am with you with this letter,

I am with you with this song.

I am with you when you laugh at something

Silly I did wrong.

Who cares abouts our wheresabouts?

I'm here and you are there.

But I'm with you,

And I care.

I am with you as I write this,

And I'm thinking of you now.

And I'm with you though you're somewhere else

And I can tell you how.

Forget the notion that an ocean's

Keeping you from me.

I am with you


I wish there was a looking-glass

That we could see each other through.

Maybe one day they'll discover it

And you'll see me and I'll see you.

But 'til they do...

I am with you with this music,

I am with you with this rhyme,

I am with you if you need me

Any moment, any time.

Just close your eyes and picture us.

What is it you see?

I am with you...

and you are with me" Anna said smiling as she was reading the letter. It was heartwaring

"That was a beautiful poem Anna" Jane said

"Yeah Olaf takes that from us. He sents these letters to us, sometimes to us when we're on a trip or to Elsa when he's lonely" Anna said

"Do you think everything's fine there?" Kristoff said

"What is even happening there?" Mr Porter asked

"Well Arendelle is under a quarantine, on my orders. You see there is a new virus in Arendelle and until it's gone everyone has to stay in their home" Anna said

That grabed their attention, as they stared at each other and then at Anna

"So everyone is under lockdown." Mr Porter said

"That's part of the reason why we try to trade with other countries." Kristoff said "We came here to get some help and here we are"

Mr Porter though to himself "Perhaps we can help. I may not be a doctor but I think I can conjure a cure"

Kristoff and Anna agreed for any help that was possible

"Good. Now we need to get all the equipment necessary but first hat form of virus are we dealing with." he points out

"It's called 'the black cough', it's a very deadly plague..."

"... and it spreads around in the air. Oh dear" Mr Porter said worried

"You know that one?" Anna asks

"I studied that plague, it's rather tricky and we had faced that before once when a man named Markham arrived to cause the logging in the jungle and his workers and young daughter, Abby, fell ill" Mr Porter said remembering how they nearly died

"...but luckily the ingredients necessary for it already. But we need to hurry, being locked in the house won't protect them for long."

"Should we ask him to come too?" Kristoff asks

"We should. Arendelle is his home too." Anna said

"Is there anything we need to talk about?" The ape man said hanging upside down and then landed, surprising the two royalties

"Tarzan no need to drop on us like that." Kristoff said

"Sorry Kristoff. What did you wanted to talk about?" Tarzan asks

"Tarzan I want to ask can you come to Arendelle with us. Jane can come too of course." Anna explained, hoping her little brother would agree

Tarzan was reluctant. He didn't want to leave his home undefended especially his tribe, however deep down he is crious to see the life he missed out on.

Tarzan turns around to leave with a simple answer "I'll think about it Anna"

"She asked to come to Arendelle" Tarzan said

"Well it won't be bad if we go to visit, won't it?" Jane said trying to convinc him

"They need our help my boy" Mr Porter said

Tarzan still hesitated, looking to his mother for an advice

"If you want to go, then I won't hold you back." Kala assured him

"I just fear that the family will be attacked when I'm gone, I just..."

"We will hold ourselves together while you're gone" Kala said

Tarzan was stil lin thought until Jane affirmed "We'll be back in no time, you'll see"

Tarzan sighes before he gives out a small smile

"Well let's set sail then!" Professor exclaimed

Anna and Kristoff were preparing to leave.

Arendellian soldiers and even Dumont's men helped on boarding everything including Professor's chemistry equipment is on the ship.

Tarzan's group also arrived to set sail with husband and wife wearing different clothes. Jane wearing her beatiful yellow dress, and Tarzan wearing a blue gentleman suit his father left him.

He looked quite irriated in it, Tantor seemed to appreciate the dress while Terk seemed amused "Here is your mister sir in pajamas!"

Kristoff was also amused at her joke

"Yeah very funny" Tarzan sarcastically points out

Anna stood close to Tarzan "So you came?" She said smiling

"Won't hurt to visit my sisters, right?" Tarzan said to his big sister

Anna was glad at that moment

They entered the board of the ship, ready to go for a new journey

With everyone on board, Anna proudly announces "Set sail to Arendelle"

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