Something's Coming

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In the satchel

Jane : So this ahothallan was created from the times of the ice age?

Anna : From what Elsa told me, the last ice age was 12,000 years ago.

She notices Anna rubbing her belly

Jane : How does it feel? ...To have a baby?

Anna takes a look at her belly and wonders herself

Anna : I-I don't know... I've read books about it, heard about it and seen others in Arendelle to have it. But this feels differently...

What she said was true, she asked gherself that same question when she was a kid. What is it to be a parent? At the time I thought it was to be a smothering type who cuddles everyone and gives them chocolate. That sounds quite silly now...

She asked the same to Elsa, who while not uncaring of her family wasn't too muhc of a family woman "I am not becoming a mom anytime soon but I think it's about being a reasonable adult"

Either way for them it was a bit too early to be thinking about that...that seems like while ago and yet here she was

She laughed at herself.

Why did she feel so different? Obviously, the idea of a new baby is different for obvious reasons, but she felt as if she'd learned something. Maybe something about love?

"Love at first sight" she blurts out

Jane : Uhm what?

Anna : This is love at first sight. When a child is born and handed to their mother, you and anyone else around can't help but love them. Not only was it love at first sight, it was love at first touch. I mean, I love my baby before even seeing it.

She'd prefer to give birth in a different situation though. Forced into exile by ex boyfriend certainly wasn't it. She was luckier than her cousin Rapunzel though whose second child was kidnapped few years ago... 'That was a hard day for Raps'

Jane : Love at conception? The same thing father told me... when mom was still with us.

Anna : I'm sorry to hear it. I understand how it feels.

Kristoff : Not only you...

Kristoff joins in on their conversation

Kristoff : Sorry for butting in, I thoguht I'd check on you two.

Anna : Don't worry honey, we were just...

Jane : ...Talking about past and future I guess

Kristoff : Well then allow me to tell you of the present.

Jane : Is something wrong?

Kristoff : The reindeers are acting a bit off... At first I did think it wasn't anything different but Sven didn't agree to that and when I thought about it, we've seen the local animals and the spirits losing control and acting hastily...

Anna : And what do you mean by that?

Anna rubs her head in confusion "Aghhh"

Kristoff : Anna?

Anna : Ah? Oh sorry for a moment I felt like sleeping for some reason.

Kristoff : Anyway what I mean is that we should move the camp to some other place.

At the same time

Honeymaren : So you freed Elsa.

Ryder : It wan't easy but Nokk helped me luckily. I brought her back here and we told her what happened.

Honeymaren : And where is she now?

He points at the path of destruction left by the gaints

Honeyamren : So she went after them...

Ryder : Yeah she wants to find out what is happening to the spirits-

Ryder didn't finish the sentence as he felt something fuzzy in his mind

He held his head tightly as he fell on his knees much to his sister's surprise "GWAAAAH!"

Honeymaren : Ryder? Ryder!

She was hearing Ryder to growl awakwardly as he looked up at his sister, his eyes sparkling in gold yellow collor

Elsa's chase

"I won't let you get away!" Elsa shouted

She forms an ice bow in her hand as she targets and shooting ice arrows at him

He was rather agile avoiding them all as he flexibly advances further away

He laughes at her attempts "Do you beleive you'll save the enchanted forest by defeating me?!"

She keeps on blasting him as she slides off after him

"Ah or perhaps your inner darkness won't let you concentrate? After all YOU are also a spirit. How long until your rage takes over?" He playfully gleams

His words falling on her deaf ears as a yellow flash flickers in her eye

Phew this was a short chapter, having a lil idea meltdown but I think eventually I'll get it all together so just be patient with me, better late than never I guess... or read my other fics if you want something new, that's better than nothing at all.

Also to review Guest : I do have an idea of making a multiverse of Frozen one day, I may add yuor version of Frozen with Christian Anderson's original one as well.

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