Dangerous waters

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Tarzan's eyes opened as he coughs out water from his lungs hardly

He breathes in air as thoguh he was nearly drowned...Surprisingly he opened his eyes to see the raging ocean

His whole body was wet and he starts to get cold again

He was trembling a little bit as he struggles to remember what happened

A while back

"Are we there?"

He followed after the fire that Bruni created which quickly dissipate before they could spread wide and cause damage

The forest was a huge labyrinth in a way. It's good that Bruni shown him the way to Ahtohallan or it may have taken a while to find it himself

But finally he was here, on a sea shore. The sight was dangerous however, as the waves were raging and hitting hard

Ah ah ah aaaah

"Where is Ahothallan Bruni?"

Tarzan looks at Bruni who crawls around to form an arrow and tilts in direction of the waves

"Wait...it's on the other side of the sea?!"

Tarzan looks on as he tries to get a clear view through the waves, with no success. The weather was also not pleasing, as it started to rain with lightning bolts coming out.

The rain drops fell on Bruni who was at first playful with it. Then a wave of water came his way and nearly took him away but Tarzan quickly reacted and got him out of harms way.

Tarzan looked at Bruni who heats up a bit. Tarzan's hand still aches fro mtheri fight previously but it's bareable at least

"Bruni I thank you for leading me here but you can't come with me any forth.

He realises well that Bruni won't be able to cross the ocean where he had a disadvantage against water spirit

"Then again I may not be able to cross it any easier"

Ah ah ah aaah

Despite this, he had to try.

He places Bruni far awy from the shores "Stay here so you won't get swallowed"

Tarzan prepares himself as he breathes in the air and leaps onward, running with all his strength againt the raising wave

He jumps right into it as he manages to swim through it right to the big rock debris, another tidal wave was coming bigger than before

Tarzan waits for the moment it comes close enough as he jumps above through the upper part and keeps swimming

'Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming'

Ah ah ah aaah

He wa determined to make it through to the very end. He came for answers and he won't go down easily

From what he saw there was no road there other than one.

He had to hurry up.

It was all happening very fast, the waves were really starting to get a hold on him.

At one point he got caught up, as he got lost much to his shock. He didn't know where he was swimming, he was losing hsi sense of direction

He was hopefully getting close but as he keeps going, and going and going...

Overwhelmed by the dark sea, Tarzan's body wa heading towards the bottom of the sea

His spirit wanted to keep goign but his body was wavering

His eyes were closing as he didn't had much air

He pondered if this was the end as his eyes close

Only one thing was left...darkness and then the words "YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO DIE HERE"

The next thing he knew was that he appeared back here

It seems that the sky was now clear with the moon showing above. It also show that it's a nighttime now.

Did someone got him out of the water? Or something?

His thoughts were interrupted by Bruni who crawled up to him and started to heat up

Althoguh the burns on his hands were still aching, he was thankful for the fire spirit's warm help

"Was it you?...no you wouldn't have lasted in the ocean. Was it the water spirit? Possibly but if so why would to try to kill me..."

Ah ah ah aaah

Bruni looks towards Ahtohallan as Tarzan puts him away from the shores

'What should I do? Should I try again?'

Tarzan thinks to himself. Olaf told him that Elsa is the mistress of weather...many refered to her as the snow queen. So she has a natural immunity to most of the cold which can't be said in his case. That makes it even more difficult.

But if this isn't the path, then what is it?

He doesn't believe however that there can't be antoher way there.

Ah ah ah aaah

"What is it that you call me for?"

There was no answer back from the voice

"What is there that I have to do!?"

And then he came up with something...

"Of course!"

He climbs up on a nearby big rock as he breathes in

All he needed to get there was to answer the call, and he will the only way he can


He roared and yelled, clapping his chest

The jungle call was Tarzan's symbol of fear and respet back in the jungle as it often scared away the enemies long before he enters the battle with them. It may not work here unlike before, but that's better than swimming there again... if it works on the other elements it'll hopefully work on ahtohallan

And for a few minutes nothing happened...making Tarzan believe it didn't work at all as he considered to go back

Suddenly the raging waves stopped and the ground around him began to shake violently as he fell off the rock

Next he started to question his eyes, as in front of him the seascape before him began to crack in two

The water parted away making a clear path ahead, he could see the end of the road far way. The rocks also emerged from the ground to hold the water back and he wastes no time as he instantly goes in there, running with all his might.

After all he has no idea how much time he has before the water collapse on him at any moment

Wow now that was intense actually and today when I was outside, the weather was so rainy that I almost felt like a tidal wave was approaching so I can understand Tarzan at least a bit. Also Tarzan really was close to death...who saved him? Oh that I'll try to reveal later. By the way if you wanna ask about jungle yell being included here, I always intended on using it here. Always wondered how ahtohallan would answer in reaction to Tarzan's yell...this is the best I could come up with. Lastly, no Nokk isn't here at this time as he retrived Elsa with Ryder which is known from previous chapters and what Tarzan is facing is more like when "owner leaves with a defense mechanism left in place for ememrgency"...

HeinrichvSa x earthcurated - Who said the Northern sea is a peaceful place? Crashing waves in Iceland sometimes

And yeah I'm quite late with updates, guess I'll do them as soon as courage and inspiration comes to mind.

Anyway have a fun time, fun people!

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