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Elsa in forest

"It's easier than I thought..."

Elsa folows a trail of destrction caused by the giants

The trees were crumbled and the path was cracke with multiple pits in the ground

Her ice horse was very helpful not to slip somewhere that's for sure

She still kind of amuses over why he didn't use her abilities for transport pusposes before. Could've wasted less effort and time that way...then agan that may have drawbacks too not to mention it would've been too easy and she doesn't like being over reliant on her powers

Her thoughts were interrupted as she finally bumped into the two rock giants who were attacking forest animals and spotting her, they yell towards her with frightening animosity

Before she could react her horse cracked a bit as she started to lose balance

Luckily she fixed the horse quick enough and they gained some distance from the giants before the had a chance to stomp on them

One throws a big boulder at her but she quickly makes an icey catapult which send the rock back at the gaint making him stumble and fall on another giant

"I don't have time to 'spar' with you"

Elsa doesn't waste her time as she freezes the two giants down to the ground, creating shackles from all around them

'This won't hold them for long...nor do I want to but they may get in the way'

Elsa commands the horse to move on leaving the giants to roar madly to themselves

'They really are unstable...the gaints shouldn't be acting like that. Years ago after we set the forest free of the mist, they were rather peaceful'

Now however they attacked anyone crossing their paths, those animals stood no chance

'They may have even killed Tarzan...If he did survived then that's quite impressive'

From what she heard, he possessed no magical power but is pretty agile and physically strong. While that may work with regular people, she never once seen anyone overpowering a rock giant in strength...

'He must've outmanuvered them somehow-'

Now that she thought about him, the feeling of uncertainty comes with those thoughts. Was he really her brother? How did he survive the shipwreck? Can she trust him?

She doesn't like the idea of yet another man coming into her life only to find to he tried to take everything away. Considering that Hans is now in control of arendelle at the exact same time that he appeared, she questions if he isn't a fraud or thief sent to jeoperdise her sister's well-being

She then stops her train of thought as well as her horse as she feels the wind breezing around her strangely

"Wait I can recognise that wind pattern... still goofy as ever Gale!"

The leaves flew right about her hair and her cape lifting them up over her head

"Hehe how funny...glad to know someone's in their right mind and wind at least"

The leaves playfully stranded around her before it suddenyl began to form an air orb with air gathering inside...

With her initial assumptions turning on her, Elsa instantly realised what happens as they get the hell away from the orb that afterwards blows up, leaving a hole in the ground

"Seriously Gale you too?"

When heated, air expands. And a concentrated amount of wind like that, can turn into a very effective bomb

She is not the only one with new tricks up her sleeve, that's making thme even more dangerous than at first look

A hurricane then apperas not too far from her as the damage is growing

'Gale is going berserk! I have to hurry NOW'

Few moments and trees later

"What is hoing on in here?!"

Elsa looked on in shock and disbelief

The part of the forest she was in now was set on fire...

It's burning bright and wide

The animals were running away for their lives, some followed by the purple flame

"Bruni! What have you done!?"

Elsa leaps off of her ice horse

She then quickly blasts her powers at all the fire she can reach, trying to put it out as soon as possible

She goes after the fire spirit who is going on a rampage

Bruni was close to burning off the wolf he was following but in time Elsa managed to create a giant wall, seperating them and allowing wolf to escape

"Bruni stop it. This isn't funny!"

Bruni runs in her direction before stopping in his tracks, he was twitching a bit as if in distress.

His yes landed on her, looking weirdly as if she's a stranger


In resposne the fire spirit started spitting out flame balls

One of them nearly hit her but she narrowly avoided it.

Bruni then was running arond her creating a raging fire prison, Elsa however didn't falter and decided to put an end to this here and now.

Holding one of her hands in the other together, a concentrated light comes form them

She creates an ice pillar to rise upwards and throws the light sphere above them which explodes and spreads snow around the fiery forest, leaving only small fires and snow flakes behind.

'This should be enough to cool it all down...Now where is-?'

Seeing that smoke was coming out of the snow beneath her as she sees Bruni coming out, a bit calmer but he looks tired

She picks him up, holding him on her thumbs

"Bruni this isn't like you... you love creating fire but to this extent? So much so you put others in danger? I thought we're already past that stage"

At first Bruni looks at her rather calmly, relaxed

Then Elsa felt something eminating from him, very dangerous...

A dark menacing aura comes from Bruni's body as his pupils shrunk again

She instantly heats up burning her hands a bit

She drops him down as he runs off somewhere

She wantd to run after him but first she held her hands out as she uses her powers to cool them down...

'That power.. The darkness?... But why is it in Bruni? Does it also influence other spirits?'

Now that she thinks about it, she didn't hear the siren of her mother for a while now

'Did something happen at Ahtohallan? ... If that power is here then it means, the heartless may arrive here soon'

Darkness begets darkness after all. She can handle the heartless but if their dark power managed to take over the spirits, then they have some big trouble... She wondered if Sora is here somewehere too.

While healing her arms, she hears a voice from above her

It was rough and it didn't sound good

"Well well well what do we have here?"

OOoh that guy is here at last. Let's see if he's a match for Elsa. Will he push her to her limit? Or will she prove too much to handle? We'll see.

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