hold on for your dreams & beyond!

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At Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post and Sauna

“C’mon you old crook give us all you got, we don’t have much time to waste here. Got entire region to take!”

Sideburns was getting everything out of this shack as he could. Right now they had an opportunity to loot the place of it’s valuables.

And at the moment they were taking things from the wandering Oaken, and any store they can.

Once they’re done here, the brothers are plotting out expansion towards 10 out of 19 remaining  provinces. After which they are going to the east (Snoob, Akerselva), in the north (Storegga, Nordmark)  and west of the region (Vestvidda).

They were now in a race against Sweden to scramble as much of the Norway as they could. Their little brother is convinced they are already preparing to  join in. So they had to hurry, which means they couldn’t let anything delay them... not even a shopkeeper who’ll fight for his dear shop’s safety.

Oaken - You should leave at once! You are not welcome here!

Sideburns – Once we take everything worthwhile heh.

Ceiro – We have nothing to sell to you!

“Sir shall we expel them?”

Oaken – We won’t leave! You will!

Oaken grabbed Sideburns as he tries to pick him up and toss him aside, alas Sideburns isn’t a pushover. He head-butted Oaken and pins him down with Patchy holding a knife by his throat.

Ceiro goes in to help and get Sideburns off.

Patchy then held him up by the neck.

Their four children didn’t want to without a fight either and start throwing things at them like wood statues, clocks, and some precious orbs.

Oaken – Our goods! Our merchandise! YOO HOO!!

Normally he’d say this in funny manner but now he’s saying it worry in his mouth as he manages to stand up and wrestling Sideburns.

Sideburns – They are our goods now old man!

Ceiro then smacked a towel at Patchy’s face shouting “Here’s something from ‘Naked Norwegians’!”

The two soldiers were about to jump in to get kids out of the sauna before their fellow comrades stormed in.

“Sires! There is danger coming from the west of the kingdom!”

Letting go of Ceiro, Patchy glared at gulping soldiers as he makes his way outside.

It better be an emergency or else he’ll go back inside and there will be blood on the walls.

Much to his surprise,  he came upon a sight of a giant at a distance coming out of the forest, covered in snow...

Worst is that it isn’t alone, another two kept coming out...

And unfortunately one of the giants noticed them as they roared loudly.

The giant’s roar was heard by everyone in close proximity including it’s Queen.

I’m coming for you”

In Eric’s Kingdom

Elsa was looking in the sky, then at the sea, not getting where does the voice come from...

Who is it? Who is coming? And for whom?

She’s been getting these voices within her mind lately... Ones she couldn’t understand yet, the voice was sounded familiar...

For most of the time, the only voice in her mind was her mother’s...

Guiding her throughout the years when she needed help...

Not now however, she only heard mother’s screaming for help. Elsa wanted to go to the forest but she wasn’t going to leave Anna and the children...

Then again right now she didn’t feel like she even wanted to hear her mama. Truth about her curse, Anna’s hidden link to Elsa’s own powers, now revelation about her... brother...

Anna stood strongly in his defence... And so Elsa gave him a benefit of the doubt, but that wouldn’t mean... that they had a family out there somewhere... and they were no part of his life.

She already felt bad for not being there for Anna during their childhood, and now ...

So she felt angry at her for not telling them despite years passing by... they could’ve went and visit him sooner...

“Ahem, uh your former majesty?”

Elsa snapped out of her thoughts, except now she came out of one migraine only to go into another...

She is now reminded of another reason she has a split with spirit mother... when Grimsby caused brief civil unrest back home, Elsa wanted to go and help Arendelle. Ahtohallan demanded her not to, she disobeyed and her powers were temporarily blocked... so this man brought back many unwanted thoughts and memories.

Elsa - *sighs* what is it Grimsby?

Elsa was sitting outside the balcony but her meditations now was halted by this man, one who in past betrayed them... nearly killed her...

It was hard but Elsa didn’t want to dwell on that too much. Because she may not hold her irritation in control.

Grimsby – Eric wants to talk to you.

Elsa breathed in and out, standing up and walking towards Grimsby.

He felt tense in her presence as she passed by him.

Grimsby – I-I am sorry for what happened...

Elsa stopped for a moment lifting her hand at him to stop

Elsa – Don’t... What you did back then, helping Queen Disa in a Isle takeover attempt... your willingness take up arms against your own people, your own brethren...

She wasn’t yet ready for that... not just yet.

Elsa – One day, maybe... just not today...

Grimsby - ...I see... Still just so you know , I’m not proud of it.

Elsa - ... Me neither...

It’s almost a shame that the sky is clouded and snowy, many including Elsa loved to look upon the skies to wish upon a star for a hopefully better future to come... it helped her relax and calm...

But looks like she’ll have to be patient and hold on in order to see the lights beyond...
Happy 100 years of magic to Walt Disney Animation Studios today on October 16. On this day Walt got his wish from the stars and founded the kingdom of his dreams, same kingdom many hate or love or adore. I certainly love it.

Without it, I may not have gotten Disney versions of Frozen, Tarzan, Tangled, TLM & more.


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