A visit

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"Something is definitely wrong"

Anna felt out of place

"Anna why are you so worried?"

Kristoff asks his wife

"Gale has not returned Kristoff...Not only that but Elsa didn't arrive"

She then stares outside the window

"...And a snow storm is raging outside and I feel like something bad is going to happen"

Kristoff tries to console her

"Everything's fine come here"

He hugs Anna tightly to take her mind off her worried. And just then came a third voice

"Queen Anna of Arendelle?"

They unhug to see Olaf before them takling a role of a captain

"I might as well inform you that I changed the stationing of soldiers in arendelel just before the storm came in"

Olaf takes out a map

"Take a look"

Anna laughs

"Olaf you're making me laugh at that voice"

Olaf tries to explain

"Well it makes me more mature and then I'll be fit to become the commander one fine day"

He then jumps on the sleeping Swan

"And I'll be a knight in the shining armour riding on my reindeer"

Anna simply says

"You are so cute"

Olaf didn't like to hear it

"Jane said exactly the same ... your highness, that is exactly the problem. I'm trying to not be cute to be the commander"

Something is heard afterwards, a strange knocking

"What is that noise?" Kristoff asks

Olaf opens the window, breaks a neaby icycle. He bites off the low part to see throguh it like a telescope

'Hmm let's see...OUUH IT'S HONEYMAREN!"

A few moments later

Kristoff : Good to see you Maren

Honeymaren : I'm sorry to disturb you queen Anna but something wrong is happening to the spirits, they are not behaving normally. I need Elsa to come with me"

Anna looks at Kristoff then at Maren in confusion

"Elsa? Elsa's not here. She never arrived"

Honeymaren looks shocked, this wasn't what she expected to hear

"Well that's not possible...she left for your meetings with Nokk"

Anna does't understand, if Elsa isn't here then where is she?

She then sees a strange particales flowign in the air

"Wait what is happening?... Anna reminisces "Olaf?"

The snowman was seemingly leaving off snowy dusts

"..You are drifting away?"

Olaf took it better this time though as he took the particales and made himelf a beard and mustache.

"Say something Anna Ehem I mean my queen"

Anna didn't laugh this time, this wasn't a joking matter. If this is happening, Elsa may be in danger.

"Glad we planned to call Pabbie. But I think we should do so earleir than expected"

Right then the windowcase swung open much ot Olaf's spooky reaction


His scream alerted kai who enters the room, worried

"Is everything alrgiht your majesties"

He then sees Honeymaren as he greets her, she does the same.

"Kai where is Tarzan currently?"

Befroe he could asnwer Olaf decided to say "Ouh I shown them a secret passage in the library. They should still be there"

Anna recalls the room in question.

"Kai, call them here. We need to talk"

Kai obyded and left for the library

Honeyamren asks curious

"Do you have any visitors?"

Kristoff rubs the back of his head "In a way but not quite"

She didn't understand the answer so Anna took it upon herself to explain. From their voyage to Africa to the council meeting a few days back

Needless to say she didn't expect to hear that either

"So there is another half-northuldran in our family"

Anna smiles warmly at her statement

And just then Kai broguht Tarzan and Jane to their chamber

"Did something happen?"

Jane had asked worried

"There's just something we gotta discuss with you and Tarzan around too"

Tarzan meanhiel on his forus approached Honeymaren who bended over

She looks him in the eyes, which were strangely familiar to her. They were the same as Elsa's but a bit greenish

She stretched out her to shake hadns with him

Which he did but then, sniffed her hand a bit and was weirded out

"You are not Arendellian" Tarzan says

She was surpried

"Yes. How did you know?"

Tarzan then notice the hexagons at their neck and waist. Perhaps that suit part symbolizes something of an alliance...he then smells something strange

"Why do you smell like a bear"

She remembered how her and Elsa were looking for food and encountered the bear not too long ago.

The bear fleed but not without a fight, thats' for sure

"Don't worry little brother. They don't kill animals" Anna assured

"Of coruse not! We live alongisde them really, though not lal the time are eaither of us very nice either"

"Okay you two can talk later. For now we need to pay a visit to one of my old friends at the valley of the living rocks" Kristoff says

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