Hell, Raid Aftermath

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Confused , Elsa didn't know if she heard Kristoff correctly

Elsa : I have...a brother? Are you sure about what you're saying?

Elsa didn't know how to respond, a bit taken aback

Elsa talked to her mother many times at Ahothallan and never once had she mentioned having a son...She even wonders if he really is their brother or just straight lied to get the throne like Hans and many others

Kristoff could noticed confusion on her fface even without words

Kritstoff : Sorry you had to know it this way. Anna and I wanted to tell you that on the day of the council but...well you know what happened. After that me, Olaf and Jane got through a lot of trouble on the way here but luckily we then met some help

Elsa 'But if it's true then... why didn't she tell me?'

She has to see that man for herself but before that, she has to protect the forest first and foremost

Elsa turns to Kristoff and Ryder "Kristoff, Ryder I have to go now

Ryder : Elsa where are you off to?

Elsa : To Ahtohallan. It's the only place to know thow to bring back peace. I will come back soon, take care of everyone until I come back and try not to get close to where the spirits are.

Ryder calls his reindeer to them second later "Take my reindeer, that'll be faster"

Elsa lifts her hand in rejection "You do know there is no need right?"

Ryder seemed confused before confessing "He he right sorry your highness"

Rolling her eyes funnily Elsa then formed an ice horse out of thin air, similar to Nokk

Kristoff : Be careful and listen...before you go, I have to tell you...Yesterday we were attacked by the giants and Tarzan went and baited them away. He didn't appear after that so I hope you find him.

Elsa looks at him in curiosity "Is that so? That eases things for me, I too want to share some words with him"

Before setting off, Elsa uses her ice powers to look into the memories of any nearby lake and water and look into the past.

Which was quite easy with the current winter... these manifestations are able to walk and talk like the people they represent at the magical glacier, Ahtohallan, but the memories are like statues of people frozen in time in the enchanted forest.

Elsa had a long time to maximise this incredibly powerful ability, as it essentially means that Elsa can review any event in time to see what actually took place. She can uncover any foul plot and see through any lie by using water to reveal the truth...

This ability, along with her future vision, often got her into stressing places, atrocious places of crime and violence... Sometimes too mcuh for her to take. She prefers not to use them too muhc for her own mentality.

Still that doesn't mean they aren't useful and right now she will see just where did the giants and that man go...

'I have to make sure if he is who he is'

She won't let herself to be fooled again

Elsa then clumbs up on a horse who starts to head towards the forest

And so she rides off into the distance, only for Ryder to remind Kristoff of something

Ryder : Ah! I think you forgot to tell her about Sora

Kristoff :...We'll tell her once she's be back... with Tarzan along hopefully. There's too much going on through her mind now as it is

Kristoff's memories flash back to him

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