Busy Time

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"young master Tarzan" Kai and Gerda said entering the room where he sees only Professor sleeping on the couch "Hm hm professor porter?" Kai asks

Professor just muttering in his sleep

Kai again asks "Professor Porterit's the morning already you should wake up now"

Professor opens his eyes as he yawns "I'm not asleep! I'm not...ouh sorry advisor"

"You can call me Kai... Where is the young master and Ms. Porter?"

"Aah well they did say they'd go out to explore the city with Olaf"

Gerda : What? So early in the morning?

Kai : Now that's unusual, I remember newither Elsa or Anna would be against lying in their beds for several more hours.

Professor : Well Tarzan is a bit different, he sleeps only 8 hours a day.

"How do you feel Kai did the cure work?" Professor

"Yes I AM starting to get better and soon I'll be in top shape I hope"

*Meanwhile on the balcony*


Jane : It was fast wasn't it?

Olaf : It's like I was on a train that was flying! I love fast but that was real fast!

Tarzan : Yeah let's not do that with you again

Olaf : No way!

Jane : Olaf you fell off and nearly broke the rooftop! The owner wasn't so happy on the way back!

Tarzan : Children were laughing though, wonder why.

*Balcony door opens showing Kai, Gerda and Professor*

Kai : And where exactly were you?

Jane : Well Tarzan, Olaf and I took a tour around the Arendelle...

Olaf : On board rooftops! We even climb up the top of the castle!

Gerda : You what?

Jane : Don't worry I was there to make sure they won't get in trouble...well almost

Kai : *sighs* In any case, we want you yo come with us


Jane : What is this all about again?

Kai : As you know soon there will be a council meeting on the royal matters. And later after that a group of dignitaries who have traveled to from around the world will arrive to meet Queen Anna and King Kristoff at a state dinner.

Gerda : And we can't have you meeting them this way young master!

Tarzan looked down and around himself "What do you mean?

Olina : You have to look appropriately.

Gerda : So we'll have to take care of you each by time

Tarzan agreed reluctantly, he tries to take in all he could.

Jane : You seem to enjoy this don't you?

Olina : Don't know what you're talking about~

They must be thrilled at the prospect of playing dress up with the reluctant jungle-man-turned-gentleman.

After their king was lost there were no princes to take care of until Kristoff came along, bt he seems to be self sufficient at taking care of himself as does Anna.

And Jane has to admit , they do a pretty good job!

Olina had him go through the bathroom to take care of the smell

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