Chapter 1

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(( it's been some time since I've worked on this series and I'm honestly so happy to be getting back to writing this. You guys have also been so extremely supportive of my last books as well and I honestly don't know how to explain how much it motivates me. You are amazing. Now please, enjoy the 3rd book of the mission: a green series!!))

Darkness... the whole city laid in darkness.

No one was within sight. Witch in his case, was a good thing right now. The last thing he wanted right now was to get spotted, attacked and all hell breaking lose. As quiet as he possibly could, Lloyd crossed the street, hoping no one had caught a glimpse of him.
" you're stressing me Lloyd..." Nya mumbled as she watched him open the window to the building he had walked over and entered. It took some time til he returned to the window to give her the 'it's clear' sign, but it eventually came and that's what truly mattered in the end. If he got caught now, Nya wouldn't know what to do. The whole city was crowding with people working for the shadow league or whoever was in charge now. No one could be trusted. Nor should they be seen at all.
Nya crossed the street, just the same way Lloyd had. She quickly entered the open window and faced Lloyd as she was in.
" anything?" She whispered. Lloyd carefully closes the window and looks over at her.
" nothing... I haven't received anything from either Zane or Cole. Seliel is likely with Cole so I guess she is in the same state as him.." Lloyd replied. It had almost been two months since he had last seen them. Wu had sent them out after Brine, or should he say the dark lord, to locate his new hideout or wherever his plans were... but they never returned that night. They were all very worried for them, and Wu was expecting the worst.
" Lloyd..." Nya began, but Lloyd refused to hear it again.
" they can't be dead! The dark lord would make that an announcement to us if that ever happened. He would use their death to weaken us, but yet, he hasn't done it" Nya knew that was a fair point, but she was scared to give into hope.. she wouldn't be able to handle their death if that was the case.
" it's my fault... everything..." Lloyd began, but stopped. He kept blaming himself... and he still do, but he knew this wasn't doing anyone anything good, so he wasn't going to badger Nya with his talk... he didn't need her to make himself feel better. It would be better to pretend like he was okay...
" Lloyd!"
Her hands grabbed his shirt, and pulled them both down to their knees. Lloyd expected some kind of an attack, but as his eyes stoped looking all over the place, he noticed Nya pointing towards the windows. As he looked over, he saw them. A small group of dark dressed young agents walked by them. Their suits looked pretty much the same as the one he once used to wear when he was a part of the shadow league, but there had been done some small changes to it.
" you think they're searching for us... that we got spotted or something?" Nya whispered, slowly kneeling to the ground to not give the enemy the opportunity to spot them.
Lloyd studied them closely. Then shakes his head.
" by the way they walk and talk to each other, they're just out patrolling the city. Their body language is totally calm and unknowing." Lloyd replied. Nya let out her breath as this was a bit to much for her.
" you alright...?" Lloyd asked her.
" I guess..." she replied. It had to be a good enough answer for now.
" Jay told us to stay out in this building for a while til he could get a better location for us further into the city." Lloyd informed Nya as he opened up a small hologram computer before them. A map of the city were laid out before them and any information were written down and information about newly changed or destroyed buildings were reported on this very same site.
She quietly nods as a reply, trying her hardest to fight her tears.
" Nya..." Lloyd began, gently putting a hand on her shoulder.
" what if he's dead.. or captured? We haven't heard from him in days... and Zane hasn't reported back in two months! And Cole and Seliel had been pretty quiet lately too!» she burst out in loud whispers.
" look at me, please... look at me" Lloyd gently grabs her shoulders, calmly and gently turning her face to look at him. She stared him into his eyes, tearing up in front of him.
" they're alright. I know it sounds stupid, but I just know it. The dark lord would make their deaths a huge celebration and showed off their power for defeating us, but that hasn't happened yet... you hear me? They are all fine." Lloyd warmly smiles at her. Nya swallowed hard. " you're right Lloyd... damn... I'm sorry, it's just that..."
" you're worried for them, I am too." He replied, knowing how hard everything was. He really could relate to her. When y/n was gone, there was nothing else he could think of but her. She was his everything, and he couldn't bare the thought of losing her again. At least now she was safe with Wu, watching over their current hideout, hoping to hear any reports from the others... but so far, there hasn't been a word from any of them, and it's been about a week since they last heard anything. He couldn't blame Nya for feeling frustrated. Kai and Jay had only left a day after Lloyd and nya had gone out, so for the time being, they would be fine... right?
He had to admit it though, just knowing that y/n wasn't out on the field made him much more calmer than what he would've been otherwise. She wasn't happy with him when he and Nya had left the base without bringing her along, but he rather have a angry girl over his head rather than a dead one... so this was worth it. And she got the time to train with sensei wu!

" Lloyd... " Nya whispers as she points in the same direction as they had been looking towards some minutes earlier.
" who are they..? I've never seen people like this before..." Nya whispers as Lloyd turns to face the direction she pointed at.

And there they were...

Whatever they were, it couldn't possibly be humans right? But at the same time, they were.
" that is a messed up looking dude... it's almost like they're mixed with an animal... or..." Nya cut Lloyd off before he could say the last words.
" reptile... Lloyd I think I remember them... aren't they the same people who..."

" the serpentine's, yeah... the ones who almost killed Jay 3 years ago. I honestly thought they wanted to be independent after the downfall of the shadows." Lloyd turns to face her.
" we should get out of here now!

As he spoke those words, one of the serpentine's caught some kind of smell trail and lifted his hand to stop his companions.
" someone is here"

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