Chapter 8

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Everyone has played video games. The basics of it are simple. You control a character. One uses a console and every button has a purpose and has effect on the gameplay.

Harumi is the gamer, while Lloyd is the character she controls.

The only thing Lloyd had left to control was his own mind. Any part of his body was was under Harumis control, which by now was overwhelmed with excitement over her great accomplishment. She had made Lloyd do simple commands such as grab her a jar from one of her shelves, do some of her chores and worst of all, drink a weird tasting tea. Maybe potion would fit better.
But Lloyd knew better than to think she was only going to use him to clean her house. She had a plan, and he was the object of reaching her goal. So many questions ran through his mind, but he was unable to ask her any of them.
" thank you sweet greenninja, I had been avoiding washing up my old potion jars, thanks for lending me your strong hands." Harumi chuckled. She made a small hand gesture and Lloyd felt the frozen lump in his throat loosen up. She was letting him speak?

Lloyd was surprised at this sudden small freedom and hesitated. Without his promotion, his body was commanded to sit down at the same spot he had sat in earlier, where he had been poisoned to sleep.
Like before, Harumi took her spot in her grandma chair, opposite of Lloyd. She watched him, him returning her gaze. And like this they sat for a while.
" why aren't you speaking? Yelling or whatever?" She mumbled as she didn't break off her gaze. For another minute, there was complete silence. Harumi almost started to believe that maybe she had done something wrong with her last conjured spell, when Lloyd answered her.
" I don't know..." His voice sounded sad, and Lloyd wasn't sure why, but he felt powerless.
" ask me something, I'm bored and I won't put my plans in action until tomorrow morning. And, it's always nice to have someone to chat with?"
She didn't show any sign of it, but Lloyd could read through her lines. She was lonely. Very, lonely. He wasn't going to expose her, so he took a moment to think through. He wanted to know about what the mission was, but there was something else that kept his mind wanting to ask about it instead.
" The league had this soul sirup. Your family provided it. Didn't they?" He eyed her.
" didn't I tell you that already?" She seemed a bit confused at why he was asking about that, but kept going.
" My family did provide the soul sirup to the league. I don't know much about what they used it on, but I know from what my father had been told, that it was going to be used on a very important mission. I was about, 6 I think? When they had come by and ordered the sirup." She spoke.
"What mission?" Lloyd asked again.
" don't worry, it wasn't used on you. If you are my age, which I think you are, then it was not you who was sent out to deal with an elemental master. All I know is that there was a problem within the league where there had been some agents refusing to complete a mission. I believe it had something to do with an elemental master, not sure." She told him. She was honestly enjoying this small talk.

" your father worked with the league then. Where is he now?" By what Lloyd had seen, she seemed to be the only one living here.
" my dad is none of your business, I know I told you to ask questions, but my dad is not included into that." She replied, slightly moving her gaze off him.
Lloyd didn't push it. She didn't show it or mention anything, but Lloyd was pretty sure he knew the answer.
" so, you want revenge on the league, is that your mission for mE? Revenge For what happened to your father?"
Harumi got to her feet, angrily looking down at him.
" don't you dare mention my father! Whatever my intentions are, it's my mission alone! You're just a tool for me to use to reach my goals." Lloyd wasn't mistaking when he saw tears flare up in her eyes.
" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dig to deep." Lloyd calmly apologizes.
" yeah... shut up about my dad." She fell back into her comfy chair and pulled her legs up to her chest, avoiding eye contact. There was a long silence between them.
'So she was looking for revenge. An l just happened to fall into her hands..?' Lloyd thinks to himself as his eyes are still on Harumi.
" was I a coincident? Did you just happen to find me in the river?" He asked her.

A grin replaces her angry face and slowly leans forward.
" I'm glad you asked. There is no river in this town. And apparently you had fallen into one. I used a window spell, where I spied on you. I saw you under water and I grabbed you. Saving both your life and turning you into a prisoner. Great right? I'm your hero!" She giggled and leaned back into her coach.
" my hero" Lloyd repeats, not sounding enthusiastic at all.
" aw come on, put a smile on your face!" She twirls her finger and Lloyd feels his chin muscles tighten into a smile.
" there you go!" She claps her hands and laughs. He feels the smile fade and gaining control back of his mouth.
" a mirror spell? So you actually had intentions of recruiting me specifically? Wait... wait for how long have you been watching me!?
A blush crosses her face and faces away from him.
" just this once" she stutters out.
'Right ' Lloyd couldn't help but not believe that.
" you did didn't you!"
" no I did not!" She snaps back at him.
Lloyd couldn't hold back a chuckle. Obviously by how she's acting, she has.

Harumi grabs the pillow next to her and slams it into Lloyd's face. Wiping the smile off his face. Being unable to move, he was unable to return it.
" so what if I did? You're still my prisoner!"
That is a fair point. Him being help captive isn't exactly something to smile about. Neither being stalked by a crazy witch.
" enough questions for today." She was about to snap her fingers when Lloyd called out " wait!"
She eyes him, waiting for his last demand.
" at least, tell me what's going to happen. So that I'm mentally prepared for what's coming."
Harumi hesitates. Should she tell him? It's not like he can do anything about it.

" we're going to kill the dark lord's puppet"

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