Chapter 3

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" stupid thing! How in the world is this even supposed to work!?" 47 angrily calls out as she throws away a mechanic tool she was using to fix a radio.
She has never really been good with technical stuff like this and it made her angry that she wasn't able to fix it so she could get hold of Lloyd.
It didn't even matter anymore, as soon as smoke started coming out of the old thing, she knew it wasn't worth wasting her time anymore.
" stupid object!" She threw a punch at the radio and it fell to the ground, breaking into pieces.

" I told you it didn't work... and yeah, I don't think it will ever again after that" Wu stands in the doorway, watching the young girl put out her rage on the poor radio.
" don't rub it in." She angry replies and walks out of the room.
" you're not really mad at the radio, are you ?" Wu calmly replied, seeing her anger not fading away after the destruction of the old radio.
She stopped up. Not knowing what to say. Yeah, she was angry alright. But it wasn't because she was trying to fix a radio and failed. No, she had been left behind! By everyone!
" y/n you know they didn't leave you behind to hurt your feelings right?" Wu slowly walks up to her, laying a hand on her shoulder, and it annoyed her. Could he read minds or something?
" still... I want to fight too. This is just as much my war as it is theirs. Maybe even a bit more mine than theirs. The dark lord also abducted me, not only Lloyd..."
" I understand your feelings, but the reason why you're being held back is..."
" is because Lloyd told you to hold me back, because he doesn't want me to get hurt or killed out there." She cut him off.
Wu quietly shook his head.
" your powers. You need to learn more about the powers you hold within you. I have never seen it before, and I'm pretty sure it's not a power that belonged to my father" he spoke.
" yeah yeah I got healing powers, so what?" She responded.
" no dear, you can heal, yes, but I believe you carry the element of the light. A power, full of life." Wu told her.
47 stopped up.
" a light element? That doesn't even sound logical." She replied.
" Well... maybe it doesn't have to be." He replied.
47 didn't even know what to make out of that comment and walked away. She honestly didn't want to do anything else but lay in her bed, begging God to send Lloyd back home so she could let her anger out on him... and when she was done with that.. then maybe he would let her go with him on his next mission..?
Didn't matter. She was not gone stay behind next time!

As she had walked away from Wu and her obviously failed radio project, she came to what they now would call a kitchen. After everything that happened a year ago, the dark lord returning, Armen's death and... Brine...
She stopped as the thought hit her. She had nightmares about that day... she remembered watching the cursed marks covering his body, his cold glowing eyes staring into hers, the brutal force that released when she touched him.
They hadn't known each other for so long but... she didn't even know how to put it into words. He was family to her.... He had loved Piper with all his heart, she had been his everything... and he would have given up his life to save herself... only that she got there before him.. 47 had never really known her cousin... but God how much she wished she had... if the two of them had gotten to the mountain village in time, maybe... just maybe the two of them would be either living a happy life together, or maybe they would even be fighting along side them today!
But she just had to die... she just had to be the reason why the dark lord was back today... because if she wouldn't have died then, Brine wouldn't have believed Ash when he convinced him that they could bring the love of his life back. Them also using the bracelet of Solomon to give Brine no choice but to follow orders.
But it didn't change much. She was both missing him, and angry at him. He had hurt Lloyd pretty bad, but he was still her cousins love...

And then.... Armen's death...

47 swallows hard, forcing tears to be held back. Both twins were someone she considered her actual brothers. She, the twins, Morro and Lloyd. Together they had grown up together in the league, fought and cried together...
They were family.
Now... a brother was gone... Damon wasn't handling the death of his twin brother. To him, it was like losing his other half, which technically was true. They had spent their entire life together, actually being genetically twins and at least had each other as true family by blood. That was something everyone back in the league days envied them for.
But now, Damon was less around, less happy and cheerful, and the weirdest part was... his powers had gone too... no powers or anything to defend himself with, and Wu refused him to go on any missions.
Not that he was interested in going on any...

The whole underground base was quiet as she stood there. The only sounds around we're the sound of dripping water and computer stuff.
The whole place had been Pixal's secret base where he had been working on her own projects. 47 had no idea to who she truly was, but apparently, she had been someone Zane had grown close to in secret from all the others. Cute... she had to admit that she adored that. If only... She couldn't help but wish Lloyd was there with her now.

" I believe... this could be it?" Jay held up a small key, looking over at a frustrated kai who was struggling to break up a door with his bare hands. It looked stupid.
" like common, if you actually Keep hammering onto the door, expecting it to open up to you, then I believe there is no hope for you." Jay spoke, not wanting to even badger anymore.
" and how the heck do you know if it will work? It could be his credit card or something!" Kai spoke. The truth was, he didn't want to admit his defeat towards Jay. When he had fought and defeated the guard guy from earlier, it didn't even hit him that maybe it would be smart to search him.
" we're gone die... aren't we?" Jay angry mumbles as he uses the key card and the door opens up.
" thank you Jay?" Jay spoke, looking over at kai who refused to reply to his comment.
" you're welcome kai!" He gave up and walked through the door.
" I would have opened it if I just..." Kai began, but stopped. Jay knew what he was going to say...
A year ago, Kai's elemental powers was taken away from him. Something to do with a crystal of some kind. It was horrible... Jay understood his frustration, but it didn't help much if he was hammering down a door.
" I feel useless without my powers, it's like I'm a useless member of the team, like I'm just a dummy following around.." Kai couldn't hold it in.
" hey, you're not useless okay? You did knock out the guy with your bare hands, that was awesome" Jay tried to cheer him up, but it was a poor try.
" yeah, you're such a sunshine" he rolled his eyes and walked into the room they had just unlocked.
" I'm not trying to be rude, I truly am sorry for the loss of your powers." Jay spoke, following Kai into the room.
" wew, you actually make it sound like I'm going to hold a funeral for my lost powers." Kai walked over to one of the computers.
" oh? Wait you're not holding a funeral? I thought you were preparing your goodbye speech." Jay chuckled as he walked over to a different computer and started searching through it.
" if I could, I would have grilled you right now" Kai replied.
" do it, I challenge you!" Jay grind, not moving his eyes off the screen.
" damn you're a piece of work right now."
" I know " Jay chuckle. But then everything got serious between them. For a moment, it was quite til Jay broke the silence.
" so... this Brine guy... you got to know him. Didn't you? When you were like kidnapped by those league fanboys." Jay slightly turned his head to look in Kai's direction.
Kai hesitated. Yeah, he knew him, but he wasn't just someone he knew... they had become close during their days as prisoners. The two of them had been in the same situation, they had been held captive and forced to work for the Shadows against their will. So yeah, they had a deeper bond... even Skylor and Seliel had been people he had come to care for and consider friends, but they hadn't been prisoners.
" yeah... we knew each other..." Kai mumbled a reply as he wasn't feeling up to talk about that. After all, Brine had brought back the dark lord, even tho he pretty much didn't have a choice... and now, he was the asset of the new dark lord, using him as a puppet to rule ninjago. Soon, the dark lord would be strong enough to take his true shape and that wouldn't be good for them at all.
" like, you know, know him or?" Jay continues.
" what you want me to say Jay!? We were both being held captive by the league fan club and yeah! We actually got to know and understand each other. He's my friend." Kai replied, almost yelling at Jay. He truly didn't mean to burst out like that, but right now, life truly didn't favor him. Powers gone, dark lord back, friends are missing and he had no way of helping them. Useless, he was totally useless to the team!
" I didn't mean to trigger anything bro, I'm sorry, let's just take a minute okay? Let's gather the data we need and let's get out of here." Jay truly wished he had shut up about everything. He should have realized that Kai wasn't having a great time throughout this year and him asking personal questions wasn't a big 'Yay' right now.
" I will promise you this Kai, I will do anything I can to help you get your powers back alright? After this mission, let's start researching and look for whatever crystal drained you of your elemental power"
" what...? Wait really? You would help me with that?" Kai was surprised at Jay's proposal. He had begged Wu and Garmadon to let him search for the evil bastard to find it and get his powers back, but they had refused him. Things were dangerous as they were and they weren't willing to risk loosing him.

" of course brother, you would have done the same for me."

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