Chapter 16

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The tingling feeling of ice that climbs up his throat told Lloyd that they were getting close. He believed she did this to stop him from being to sabotaging them by blowing their cover in the midst of the shadows where they where  currently laying low.
He recognizes the the place, now that more modern walls and furniture came into sight, they told him that this place was likely to be the castle of the emperor, a museum pice and a tourist magnet. After the breakout of the dark lord, most thought twice before coming here now. Risking your life doesn't sound like a fun tourist experience after all.

Harumi bends down, her fingers sliding the floor, gathering dust and mud. Lloyd's stomach almost turned when she brought her hand up to her mouth and licked her fingers, mud and all of whatever was on the ground, entering her system.
Whispers of strange words came from her. Shy must be chanting or something... was she using tracking magic to trace the location of her desired target? Or was she just freaking him out?
" he's near..." was all she said when she stopped whispering . Slowly, she moved. Lloyd moved with her.
Lloyd remember being here once some time ago. After reuniting with his family, they had taken him out to tell him the history of ninjago, this old castle being a must. His father had eagerly told him all about old history and legends, family history and who they were. Growing up with the league had robbed him of everything there was to his name, so the tour had been almost like a revelation or some kind of finding oneself. It had also been a special bond with him and Garmadon.

Lloyd snapped out of his thoughts when his body suddenly halted, harumi standing tense before him, blocking whatever had made them freeze. If only he had some control of himself to slightly tilt his head to see past her.
« we need to get higher up... this isn't going to work. " he heard her whisper.
Unable to respond, Lloyd tried to imagine what was ahead of her to having to adjust the plan? Lloyd didn't have to think long before she moved, backing off to where he stood. Ahead of them stood some he knew very well. No wonder they had lots all contact with him... because before then stood the only nindroid he knew. Zane

Joy. That was Lloyd's first thought when he laid eyes on his friend. However, something didn't seem right. To begin with, he wasn't wasn't wearing his usual suit that matched his own, except being white. Zane was wearing a uniform like every other agent working under the dark lord. Except his suit was designed a bit different.
The soul sirup gave off a freezing sensation whenever it took effect, but the sight of Zane's red eyes made Lloyd shiver straight through. The sight of him terrified him. There had never been a time when Zane had seemed frightening to him, but now, if younger him had seen him like this, he would have pissed his pants.
Harumi's hand was placed on his shoulder, pulling him with her as she, who also was terrified, backed away quietly.
Again, they both disappeared into the shadows of the castle, leaving Zane behind.

" we're not dealing with him" She almost gasped for air when they were out of detectable range.
Lloyd slightly nods as he gains some control over himself.
" was that your robot friend!?" Harumi whisperd harshly. She wore the same terrified expression Lloyd had only moments ago. Guess they both didn't expect this to come up... Zane was definitely not a part of her plan, nor was it the ninjas plan. Zane had gone out on a stealth mission to gain secret information from the Borg tower, guess they didn't go so well.
" nindroid" Lloyd replied, but nods in response, confirming her suspicions.
" no no no I am not ready to face a ninja! You were different!" Both her hands grabs her long hair, pulling it in despair.
" why is your robot friend under the dark lords command!? Please tell me it's a part of your plan? Him being undercover or something?" She really was losing it, wasn't she?
" maybe we should back off? You know, not kill Brine today?"

Lloyd regretted saying that as her face turned from total lost to calmly angry.
" no, we're going through with this, I'm not spearing that useless guys life for more time. He goes down today." She spoke, a determination replacing her breakdown. Idiot. Lloyd thought to himself as he just had to ruin it all.

Nya jumped at the sound of her cell door being pushed open, making a loud cry. She had fallen into a decent enough sleep and wasn't too pleased to be awakened like this. But when she noticed Ash stand before her, she felt totally awake, ready to strike if she had too.
" you" she angrily mumbles, eyes sharply pointed at him.
" me" He mockingly replies.
"What do you want?" With both her hands chained up, leaving little space to move, she got up to her feet and awaited Ash to tell her what was to happen to her.
" no need to get up, I'm just here to talk" one of the guards unlocked the door to her cell, allowing Ash to enter, closing it behind him, leaving them both trapped in there. The only difference being her in chains.
" what if I don't wanna talk?" Nya replies. It wasn't all true. Being locked up for hours alone was lonely, and being the younger sister of Kai, who had no ability to shut his mouth, she was bound to crave human contact.
" you don't really have much choice." Ash replied.
" it was reported that Lloyd was with you the night you were caught." Nya met his gaze.
" where is he now?"
Nya was at first confused by the question, then she let out a laugh.
" how would I know? Honestly? You think I have some kind of mental ship on him? Telling me where he is at all times? He isn't my boyfriend, and even so, I don't think there is any way I would know where or when he got out of the river."
Ash didn't seem pleased with that reply.
" sure, and you ninjas for sure don't have a hideout too meet you at" he spoke sarcastically.  Nya didn't reply. He wasn't wrong, Lloyd likely would be at their hideout, but of course she wasn't going to tell them where that was.
" not talking huh? Well I expected that." He backed off and faced the door that now was being unlocked again. However, Ash didn't leave. Confused, Nya also turned her gaze towards the entrance, hearing a new pair of footsteps coming towards them.

Her jaw dropped when Zane walked in.

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