The start of a custody battle

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Meredith been trying to find a lawyer for the custody battle but she couldn't because she couldn't find the money for it lately cus she has not been working since the pregnancy..

After the pregnancy she been back at work but not enough for a lawyer if she dose not get one in till tomorrow mark will win the battle..

She been looking through under the couch or in the couch but noting.

Today Meredith wanted to work two shifts to get more money..

Meredith was working her ass off she didn't take a break at all but then she stop to eat for a few minutes..

As she eat fast..mark walks past Meredith all she thought was to rip his head off but all she did was giving him a dirty look..

He leaves but then Christina came and sat down.Christina then said " hey why are you eating so damn fast"she laugh.

Meredith respond with "noting it mark" she rolls her eyes.Christina look concerned,ask what going on.

Meredith then replied with "the twins I have mark wants to have a custody battle"

Christina was surprised then upset while saying this " the hell why I thought you to were eating each other up"

Meredith laugh in pain " well we are not because I told him I wanted to break up because for are kids and RIGHT AFTER he wanted to have custody!"

She continued by " ALSO I don't have enough money for a lawyer so if I don't get one mark will have custody"she cry's

Christina quickly replied with " Meredith it ok how much money you need"

Meredith then said " 20,000 why?"

Christina then respond to Meredith with " I give you the money,mark being a dick you should win this battle"

Meredith cry hysterically saying " omg really!"

"Hell yes!"Christina smiled

Meredith then said " normal friends will hug it out"

Christina replied " ya but we are not normal friends".

Meredith finish eating her food then went back to work.after hours of working her ass off,she was done working and went to the locker room then changed,got her bags and left..before she left she the money from Christina then She drives home then got home,got a hot coco.

While drinking hot coco she turn on the tv that was the first time she was relax.then she heard a knocks on the door.she got up and placed her cup on the table went to the door.

She opens the door then saw mark!

She was furious to see his site.she then asked why he was he,then he replied with " Meredith I am sorry but what ever happens in the court and I still love you"

Meredith was clinching because all that was in her mind was to beat him up and put him in a coma.

She then said "mhm ok let me get this straight you come here for what forgiveness like the hell few minutes after we broke up the first thing that comes in your MIND was custody,I love my kids so I am going to fight hell for them so go to hell mark!"

She slammed the door!then went to the phone and called the best lawyer in the world!

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