Chapter 9

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I was walking to the library to borrow a book, which I am into these past few days it's a book entitled "Human-Robot"

It's surely a good book, it's cute and cool at the same time. I am planning to finish it today since I don't have class

But when I was getting the Human-robot book, I saw Sana at the corner of the room alone looks like serious reading a comic book

Seriously? A comic book? I didn't expect she's into that kind of stuff?

She looks serious, her eyebrows are almost connecting she keeps on scratching her head.

I was about to turn around when I heard her groaned

I chuckled and decided to walk to her

"Excuse me? Can I seat her?" I caught her attention she looked surprised when she looked at me and tried to hide the comic book

"Ah..o. Of course, you can" she said and pointed to the empty chair in front of her

"I already saw it, actually I have been watching you for a minute. You looked in troubled, what's with the comic?" I asked her and seat down

"It was nothing," she said avoiding my gaze

"It was a 'cold princess' comic right?" I asked her she's hiding to comic book on her lap

"Yes, you what are you doing here?" She asked me

"Well, I found this interesting book, and I good hooked up with it," I said and showed her the human-robot book

"Oh, you're into that kind of book," she said to me

"And you're into princess book" I teased her causing her face to turn to the color red in embarrassment.

I chuckled "I'm just kidding go and continue reading you seem very serious with it," I said to her and motion her to continue

She did, what I said she put the comic book on the table and started to read, her eyebrows are connecting again.

"Why do you look so pissed reading it?" I asked her curiously "that is one of my favorite comic books when I was a kid" I shared with her

"Really? It doesn't look like a good comic book tho" she said I looked at the part where she, that explained she's in the middle of the comic book where it can make you frustrated

"It's a good book," I said to her and smiled

"No, it's not, the princess is so weird, she's so cold she hated people even they didn't do anything to her. She hates interacting with other people" she ranted I chuckled I found it adorable...

"She has a reason," I said to her

"Whatever the reason, she doesn't have a right to treat people like that, what if those people are struggling in their life more than her? What if her reason is not enough?" She said pissed, I never saw Sana pissed like this.


"You know what? Just finish the comic book first" I said to her

"I can't! I can't take it anymore" she said and close the book and throw it in front of her she crosses her arm on her chest.

"Aren't you curious of her reason? Aren't you curious if she will change?" I asked her she looked at me like she's thinking twice

"Fine! I will continue it just because you said it's a good book. I trust you" she said making my heart skipped a beat, I held my chest

What is wrong?

I didn't say anything and let her read, as I read the book I wanted to finish too.

Focus Jihyo!!

"Yah! This is absurd!" She whispered at me looking annoyed again

"Why?" I whispered too

"The cold princess met a prince from the other kingdom, they are so close that the prince convinces the cold princess to do the thing she's didn't do.

Clearly, the prince and the princess love each other, but the prince is so coward! The King wanted the prince to marry another princess,

Why he didn't fight for the princess?!" Sana yelled

"Silence!" The library assistant shouted

"I'm sorry," I ask forgiveness

"Yeah, don't shout here" I warned Sana

"Whatever, I am so pissed right now, The prince made the princess change, the cold princess is smiling laughing, talking to other people, let me kill the prince! Is this even real?" She asked me

"That is not real, it's just a comic book, Sana, stop it," I said to her and chuckled she looked like she into the comic book and affect her emotion

"There is more, finish it," I said to her she groaned and continue to read again, I smiled at her even she didn't look at me

She is so mysterious...

I'm in the climax of the book when I heard a thud of closing book I looked at Sana smiling satisfied

"Did you already finished it?" I asked her

"Yeah, and you're right it's a great comic book," she said to me smiling

"I told you!" I said to her

"Yeah, I think I can sleep knowing that the prince is not a coward like I thought and fight for his love towards the princess her even willing to sacrifices his life for the princess. Daebak!" Sana said

"Told ya!" I said again to her and continue reading.

"What is that?" Sana said to me and lean closer that our face is 5 inches away

Isn't too close?

I heard my heart hitting abnormal, am I sick?

"It's a human-robot book, it's a great story if you have time you can read it" I said to her and lean backward to give us space that is suffocating me in a good way

"Naaah, I think I can't it looks so thick. " she pointed to the book.

well it has 589 pages I agree with her but I'm 10 pages away from the ending

"Anyway, I need to go I have a class, I will see you later President," Sana said she grabs her bag and raffled my hair before she left me there with my heart beating exaggerated.

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