Chapter 25

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Third Person POV

Jihyo and Sana are doing fine, they are both happy in their lives. Everyone is surprised to see Sana being goofy, cheerful, and smiling inside JYP University

Different from Sana they know before, everyone knows the reason is Jihyo

But Sana having trouble in her mind that she wanted to do but doesn't know how to start

that is to share her life with Jihyo, Sana thought that she's being unfair to the latter because she can't open up about her life

"Jihyo, are you free after school hours?" Sana asked Jihyo who is arranging the papers inside the student council room

"Yes, I don't have plans why?" Jihyo asked Sana and smiled at her

"Come with me, I will show you something," Sana said to the clueless Jihyo but agree with it. After all, she trusts her girlfriend


"What are we doing here at the cemetery?" Jihyo asked Sana after the latter opens the passenger door for her girlfriend

"I want to introduce you to them" Sana smiled and held Jihyo hand

Sana lead the way where are her parents

"Mom, Dad, Finally. Meet Park Jihyo my girlfriend" Sana talked to the tomb that made Jihyo squeezed Sana's hand look surprise from what she witnessed

"Are they your parents?" Jihyo asked Sana

Sana just nod at her and half-smiled

Sana let go of Jihyo's hand, and wipe the dust on the floor before she seat down

"I was thinking that it's unfair for you if you don't know about me, you deserve to know the real me

My name is Minatozaki Sana as you know, I'm taking a business course.

We are originally from Osaka, Japan but we moved here to Seoul because dad had a job offer

I was five years old when Tzuyu came into our life, she's like an angel for us, she's like a miracle. When Tzuyu came to us Dad gradually being promoted in his Job until he had this higher rank in the company

We are so happy back then, my mom and dad gave us everything, what we wanted, what we wish they will give it to us

They are not like other parents that so focus on work and neglect their children saying it's for them why they work hard, our parents always make sure that they will give us time. Every Sunday we have our family bonding, we go to Park or just play at home

They spoil us, but they raised us how to be contented with what we have and wait if we want something because they said if you like something it doesn't mean that you will get it that easily, you need to work for it

So Tzuyu and I always behave if we want something from our parents,

we were so happy

But everything crashed down when mom was diagnosed with cancer, stage four. The doctor confronted us that mom won't make it, my dad was so depressed at that time. Our saving spent on mom's hospital bills and medicine

Then one day, my mom called me I was the one in charge to look for her at the hospital, Tzuyu is with Dad, only God knows where maybe asking for help

Mom said---" Sana chocked because she remembers the moment it happened, and it's still hurt her, Jihyo squeezed Sana's hand

"Mom said, 'Sana-chan! my brave daughter, mom is tired, I don't know if I still can make it but please promise me that you will look for Tzuyu no matter what, and I said Mom don't say that, dad doing everything to heal you don't say you're tired, but Mom just smiled at me and caress my cheeks then all I heard is the beep of the machine and the monitor of her heartbeat goes flat" Sana said and didn't control her tears coming down, Good thing Jihyo was there to soothe her

"Thank you babe for opening up, but if you're not yet ready I can wait," Jihyo said to Sana and kissed the latter's head

"No, it's fine I can handle it," Sana said "So when Mom died, Dad is so depressed. I can't blame him though because he lost his everything, his partner in everything then one day I got a call that Dad involved into a car accident due to the weather and dad is drunk that night,

We don't know anyone here in Seoul because we are from Japan, there are no relatives call us

We have debt, because of Mom's medicine and hospital bills I worked hard to pay the debt left to us thank God some of them said we don't need to pay it just consider it at help,

Tzuyu and I are walking on a road at that time when I heard someone screamed, that's when I met Jeongyeon she was bullied that time, then I helped her" Sana said and show Jihyo her scar on her abdomen

"I got stab, from one of them. Since then Mr. Yoo and Mrs. Yoo adopted us, JY treats us like her real sister, Yoo's family treats us like we are not others. It happened that Momo and Chaeyoung are daughters of Mr. Yoo's business friends and then we became playmates

Ever since I tried everything just to protect Tzuyu because that is my promise to my mom

I worked hard for Tzuyu, I didn't see her as a burden, I love her so much because she's the only family I have, Mr. Yoo said I don't need to work but I convince them that this is for Tzuyu and eventually they agree with it

I acted tough because I don't want anyone to pity me, I do pranks because that's the only thing where I can escape the cruel world I don't start a fight unless they insulted my friends or anyone important in my life, I can still manage if they insult me but not my family" Sana said to Jihyo

"You suffered a lot," Jihyo said to Sana, who shrugged her shoulder "Thank you for opening up, don't worry I promise in front of your parents that I will protect you," Jihyo said to Sana.

Sana pecked on her lips and stand up

"Yah!!!" Jihyo yelled at her and cover her mouth

"What? Can't I kiss you in front of my parents?" Sana giggled

"But! Whatever--- oh God it's raining!" Jihyo said

"Crap! Bye, mom dad! I will see you again next time! I love you so much and I miss you!" Sana said to her parents and kissed the tomb before the two runs inside the car

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