Cadmus Peverell

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Mwahahaaha! I'm done! Turns out it didn't take too long to edit :) I love myself too much to change it ;)

Anyway, remember to comment, vote and- if you haven't yet- fan ^_^


"Professor Snape, what- how-" McGonagall spluttered, staring at him in complete shock.

"Let her go, Professor Snape." Professor Dumbledore said sternly but I rolled my eyes, I still hate him for shouting at me that time. And he never even said sorry!

"No! I'll fight my own battle!" I sneered at them and they nodded,  not wanting me to go back to my old self,

"It wasn't returned was it?" I was speaking in code, now that students were already there, "It only saw you as a friend. You... you couldn't take it, could you?" I asked softly, suddenly feeling regret. How would feel if I loved someone so much but they didn't return the feelings and married my worst enemy. I couldn't even think of it. I drew my wand back down, not realizing I pointed it at Snape,

"I-i'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything that I did. I regret it and... I'll never do it again." I whispered before walking out, pushing my way through the crowd of nosy students. I made my way to the seventh floor, just circling it. I tend to walk a lot when I'm thinking. Something I haven't done since I've arrived here at Hogwarts. I was trying to find a place where I could use to look at the ring. BINGO! 


"What is this?" I asked myself as I turned the ring thrice in my hand, it was beautiful, really. Well, for me at least. 

"Who are you?" I gasped in shock and turned around, expecting to see a centaur or something but instead I saw someone who... I haven never seen in my entire life. He had black, weirdly styled hair, white skin and was about... 7'6. Whereas I was 5'11 and felt like an ant compared to him. He was wearing wizarding robes and looked completely arrogant.

"I-i'm S-Narcissa. And you are?" I asked him, finally gaining confidence and putting my hands on my hips,

"I'm Cadmus Peverell." he sneered and I did a double take. Impossible! Cadmus Peverell is dead! As though he read my thoughts, he rolled his eyes and stared at me for a second,

"Of course I'm dead, silly girl!" he snapped, "You're holding the ressurection stone!" he looked extremely annoyed and I would've laughed had I been in different circumstance.

"B-but th-that's impossible! It doesn't exist, does it?" I asked him, my arms falling to my sides,

"If that is impossible... then what am I doing here?" he asked and I bit my lip before grinning,

"So I can like... summon the dead?" I asked him and he nodded, "Okay... how does this work?" he took a step closer to me and pointed to the ring,

"You will not be able to summon anyone else but me until this is destoryed." I frowned and shook my head, trying to clear it,

"Uhm... What do you mean?" I asked him and he sighed in annoyance making me giggle slightly,

"You have to destroy the... No!" a huge arm grabbed him and pulled him behind a tree, I ran behind it and saw nothing but a rock... but something was written on the rock.


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