That Makes More Sense

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I just had this idea! When i write important author's note, it'll be bold and itallic. When it's not so important just bold and when I'm through with them it'll be #_#_#_#_#_#_# BECAUSE I CAN!

Okay, I'm done now. LET THE STORY BEGIN! Well, not really begin because it began on November 4, 2012 so... LET THE STORY CONTINUE! Nailed it ;)



I stopped. Like, stopped rummaging through my clothes as a grin formed on my face. Of course! I could just do that... Do I now a spell? Oh yeah. Of course I do. *rolls eyes at myself*

"Silencio." I casted the spell around the entire room and took a deep breath, "Bombarda!" a hole was created on the wall right behind my bed, which I waved aside a second ago. Now... the making begins.


"Perfect!" well, that was a fun 10 minutes. I grinned at my new room. It was just a simple medieval style bedroom with a modern flair to it. Whatever. I like how it looks! I actually thought about making this girly and frilly style bedroom but I thought 'Hey! that isn't me' so I made it this way. Actually, I didn't think that... I only thought that it seemed cool to have an old bedroom of some sort. 

I crawled out of the hole and pushed back my bed in the dormitory. The beds were exactly different as I remember. Well, the cleanliness was. 10 minutes ago it ws neatly fixed and now... woah. I looked at the clock and saw it was... 7 am. But it was 10 am 10 minutes ago- Oh! I was there for a whole day! THAT makes more sense. Anyway, I have 3 hours before the date. 

I just noticed I haven't attended classes in 3 days. Waaaiiit! I only went here to be protected from Voldy anyway. I remember what Albus told me on my first day. 


"Ms. Black," he started, "I need you here at Hogwarts. We both know that Voldemort has come back to life and that he is after you. You need not study here. You know more things than all of the teachers here and it would be ah... what do you call it? A waste of time to learn things you've learnt when you were 5." He said smiling as though trying to cheer me up, I sighed and nodded, showing him that I still remember what he told me 5 years ago. 

"I don't understand why,though. I mean, why does he have to hunt me down?" I know that's a stupid question but I couldn't think of anything else to ask,

"You and I both know the answer to that. You are powerful. More poweful than Voldemort and I together, perhaps! I just want you to promise me that when the time comes... You'll do what I asked." he said, staring at me pleadingly. I looked away, unable to even think of what he wants me to do! What would Harry think of me? Charlie? the Weasley's? Dad? I looked away from him and nodding,

"I-I promise." I saw him smile sadly from the corner of my eye, "But what if I'm too scared? Too cowardly to do it? I mean, I'm just a kid for crying out loud!" I cried, jumping to my feet as the last sentence came pouring out of my mouth,

"You will not." he said, giving me a sharp look, "You're father was very bra-"

"I know that he was and still is brave but what about my mother?! She hated being married to a death eater but only married Lucius because she was scared of what he parents would think if she married my father, like she wanted to?! What if I took after her cowardliness?" I asked, feeling tears come to my eyes as I imagined my life if mother had married father instead of Lucius.

"You've lived on your own since you were 6 months old and you've never backed down from a fight..." he started listing down all of my achivements before I stopped him,

"I get it!" 

"Very well. I suppose it is time for you to go to bed and get to know your roommates." I rolled my eyes and nodded.


Meow. Meow. It's a Saturday! MEOOOOWWWWW! I'm a cat. No. I'm Narcissa. Narcissistic. Narcissus! Ha! That idiot died looking at his reflection in a stream of some sort. Squeal. Why did someone squeal? I looked to my right and saw that Lavender and Parvati had just entered the room, both with matching grins. I stared at them suspiciously as their gazes shifted to me,

"Theodore Nott is downstairs!" they squealed again and my eyes widened, I can't believe that I was thinking for that long! I ran into the bathroom and made my hair longer and curly-ish at the bottom and with a wave of my wand, the clothes that I picked out was on me and I was wearing make up. That was quick.

"Thanks guys!" I ran out of the room and down the steps before stopping just 5 steps away from the ground. Did Lavender and Parvati say he was downstairs? A snake in a lions' den? Seriously? I walked down the remaining steps and saw Theo waiting patiently downstairs. Ignoring all the glares and stares from everyone in the common room,

"Hey." he said with this cute, awkward wave and I rolled my eyes with a grin,

"You're acting as though we've never seen each other before." he grinned back and held out my arm.

"We still have 2 hours before leaving for Hogsmeade." I stopped in my tracks, making him stop as well,

"Seriously? And there I thought I was thinking for 3 hours straight!" I said, slapping my forehead and glaring playfully at him. He laughed and looked around the common room. He shifted uncomfortably, as though he just realized that people were glaring and staring. His eyes landed on one particular person and I peeked around him and saw he was staring at a very livid looking Harry,

"I think we should get going!" I exclaimed and pulled him out of the common room.

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