Classes Suck But Uncle Sirius is Awesome!

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Don't forget to spread, vote and comment! Hmm... Haven't posted something like that in awhile ^__^



Eggs. Bacon. Milk. Bagels. More Bacon. I'm still hungry! I looked to my right and saw everyone was seated away from me and glancing at something to my left, I looked to the left and saw Dumbledore eating Bacon casually. Wait. How can you eat bacon casually? How can you EAT casually? I shook my head and poked his arm,

"You're scaring the lovely citizens of Bikini Bottom away! Why are you here?" I asked, grabbing another piece of bacon and throwing it in my mouth,

"You have to go back t classes." he stated and I choked on my delicious bacon, 

"Wh-what?!" I shrieked, slamming my hands on the table, he rolled his eyes ina very un-Dumbledore like fashion,

"Just do it." I sat down, not knowing I was on my feet, and scowled at the eggs in front of me before getting the plate and tossing it somewhere,

"HEY!" Poor Harry... I smiled, laughed and walked out of the hall... I think I'm bipolar.


"This class is so boring!" I hardly paid attention in any of them, unless there was anything practical! It's kinda fun that I was sent to classes with the seventh years. I beat them all in everything and rubbed it in their faces, aren't I a sweet wee princess?

I hate that dad sent me here to Hogwarts. Right now, I could be touring the world! Apparating! Finding stuff I like in malls, going to the dressing room, duplicating them, shrinking the duplicate, putting it in my pocket and putting the original back on the rack. Or I could just find muggle money, duplicating them and buying all the shit I want. 

Everyone would envy moi! Well, every muggle

"Ms. Black!" Umbridge snapped making me look up, she had this scowl on her face that made her look like a pig. Ha! She's wearing pink! She's a pig! She gasped and my eyes widened, 

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" I asked, Fred and George nodded, trying to stiffle their laughter along with the others.

"Detention, Ms. Black. 7 o'clock." I smirked,

"AM or PM?" I asked innocently, her left eye twitched and she looked ready to reach for her wand and kill me. The thought of her attempting to kill me made me laugh, I don't know why. I just laughed and she let out a growl,

"One month worth of detention!" I stopped laughing and my mouth fell open, one month?! I hate classes. I hate dad. He said that if I ever didn't follow the teachers, he'd take me out of Hogwarts and lock me in Grimmauld place. With Uncle Sirius. Wait... that seems fair. I grinned,

"Nah..." her eyebrows raised and she smirked,

"I will be sending a letter to your... father." she said in disgust, as though even thinking about dad, a half-breed, was going to kill her.

"Master of the House, isn't worth my spit. Comforter, philosopher and life long mate." I softly just to piss her off more with the language, quoting Madame Thenardier from a play I watch back when I was 5 on Broadway. I apparated myself to the best seat and took a video camera with me. One I stole from someone outside.


"WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING?!" Dad yelled as soon as we apparated into Number 12 Grimmauld Place, My great aunt started screaming her head off but dad ignored her and continued to rant on and on about how irresponsible I was and how there was no one at Hogwarts to take care of Harry anymore, I snorted at this part. I never even took care of him since we broke up, he was on his own. With Ron and Hermione. Okay, so technically he wasn't on his own. He gave me one last glare and disapparated ,


"Uncle!" Uncle Sirius scooped me up in hsi arms and hugged me tightly,

"Air! Air!" I gasped, he let me down with a large grin on his face and I knew from that moment on that this would be the best time I would have since I met dad.

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