The Werewolf's Daughter

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A.N/  I hope you like my new story! 

I walked closer and closer to Number 12 Grimmauld Place, Butterflies were fluttering around in my stomach making me feel like throwing up. Father. After 15 long years. I was finally going to meet my father.

I finally spotted it and knocked on the door, a few seconds later, it was opened by a man I recognized as Sirius Black, my maternal uncle. If he’s friends with dad, then I doubt he’d be dangerous, I really don’t want to meet my dad but I have to! Voldemort has risen again and staying alone is NOT an option! Especially since... never mind.

“Take me to Remus Lupin now. Dumbeldore sent me.” I stated, he eyed me slowly before nodding, obviously thinking that if I knew this place then I wasn't a threat. I threw my hood over my head and he led me in and through this stinky hall, when we got to the not so stinky part, we bumped into a bunch of kids about the same age as me,

“Hey Sirius, who’s this?” a girl with bushy brown asked as they all eyed me, well, my hood and cloak.

“No idea. Dumbledore sent her.” He said with a shrug before grabbing my arm and pushed me through this door and the kids followed. Everyone in the room went silent,

“Sirius?” FOUND HIM! REMUS FRICKIN’ LUPIN! MY FATHER! Be cool. Be cool. I shook my head at his idiocy, not even bothering to ask who the girl in the hood is *scoff*

"I'm Cissy.” I said carelessly and jumped on a counter,

Dad and the others took their wands out and pointed it at me but I was only looking at Dad. Staring straight into his brown eyes with my pale blue eyes.

“Who are you?” he said through gritted teeth and I jutted my lower lip and lowered my hood.

“You wouldn’t hurt your daughter, would you?” I asked with an eyebrow raised and head cocked.

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