The Ministry Ball

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Check the EXTERNAL LINK for their dresses for the ball! ^_^

Anyway, enjoy this long chapter! :)


La dee dum dee dum. I was minding my own business, just strolling down the lake peacefully (barking, literally, at students that were on their free period) when this person comes up to me with a scowl. The person being my father,

"Why haven't you been attending your classes?" he aske, putting his hands on his hips. He reminded me of a hen. Ha! My father reminds me of a hen! 

"Because they're boring." his lips twitched for a second as though I reminded him of someone he knew,

"Well you need to attend them." he sighed and I rolled my eyes, I never did like being told what to do,

"And why, pray tell, is that?" he looked around to make sure no one was listening in on our conversation before turning back to me,

"Harry's been getting all these extra detentions and we need someone there to protect him." I snorted, as if Harry, Harry Potter needed help! He was the boy who lived! "He really does need help." Dad said, I looked at him and saw he looked completely serious, I sighed. Dad seemed really desperate. I would too if my best friend's son was in trouble or something.

"Fine, dad." he smiled, and I smiled back but then his face dropped and he looked as though he remembered something,

"I... uhm... I got this from the ministry." he handed me a colorful envelope that I eyed suspiciously, the sides were ripped, telling me that dad or someone else had already read this,

"Dear Ms. Sagitta,

              At 8 pm on November 5, 1995 a ball will be hosted at the Ministry of Magic's Atrium and we would love for you to come. You may bring who you please and will be excused from all lessons on the following day, November 3, 1995. You shall wear dress robes if you please. We hope to see you and wish you a safe trip. 

                                                                                                                 Cornelius Fudge

                                                                                                                 Minister of Magic"

My eyes widened as I realized that today was November 5 and that 8 pm was 4 hours away... Shit.

"Dad! When was this sent?" I barked and he smiled sheepishly but didn't answer. Instead, he ran away from me and towards the Forbidden Forest and I heard him disapparate. He's one loud disapparate-er-er-er. I 

Dad sighed but nodded and told me he'd tell the headmaster. I squealed in delight as soon as he disappeared around the corner.

I should be angry but... I caaan't wait! My first ball in 5 months! I raced through the corridors, up the stairs and through the portrait hole after literally screaming the password at the Fat Lady,

"OUT OF MY WAY!" I squealed as I pushed 4 6th years out of my way and raced up to the dormitories. I was more than thankful that Hermione, Parvati and Lavender weren't here right now. I pushed my bed away and crawled into the hole, I pulled the bed back to block the hole and went to my dresser. 


"Ginny! Ginny!" I huffed as I entered the Great Hall, the ball was in an hour and I forgot to tell Ginny I wanted her to come with me! She turned around, stopping her conversation with Neville, and walked towards me, "Wanna go to a ball with me? You'll be able to skip classes tomorrow." she nodded enthusiastically and I sighed in relief,

"Come on. I already picked something out for you."


"-Miss Narcissa and her friend, Miss Ginev- Ginny Weasley." the dude gulped when he saw the look Ginny shot him. I nudged Ginny as everyone stared at us, I smiled at all of them as Ginny stayed beside me, as still as a rock. I don't even think she was breathing.

"I'm glad you made it!" Cornelius walked towards me as soon as Ginny and I went down the steps. I nodded stiffly, I didn't like him at all. I decided to examine the whole Atrium, which looked completely different. The walls and all were nude and the floor was still marble, except now it was also nude. There was a big diamond chandelier in the middle of the ceiling and there was snow that didn't seem to go lower than 10 inches away from the ceiling.

"Would you like to dance?" I turned around and saw that a hoooot guy had just asked Ginny! I saw the young Weasley blush as she nodded and the dude took her hand, she glanced at me and I sent her a wink making her blush even more. I let out a laugh and shook my head at her. This was going to be a fun night.

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