Gingers *sigh*

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"That was so fucking boring." I moaned as I collapsed on the ground right after Amelia Bones apparated us right out ofn Hogwarts. She said I wasn't allowed to apparate with all the people around. Only a couple of people know how fucking awesome I am with my awesome extra powers that are so awesome anyone would die awesomely once they saw how awesome it was, unless they already knew about my awesomeness from when I was an awesome kid.  I LIKE THE WORD AWESOME!

"I'll say." Ginny muttered, getting a handful of her dress and lifting it above her knees so she could walk up the hill easier. I rolled my eyes,

"Stop being such a muggle, Ginny!" I waved my wand and her dress turned into jeans and a thick jumper. She smiled gratefully and ran up the hill, leaving me behind, the bitch. I grinned and ran after her,

"Get back here you, ass face!" she stopped running and burst into giggles and rolled back down the hill, knocking me down with her.  "Seriously?! I know I'm funny but there's no need to try and kill me!" I pushed her off me and she stood, still not stopping her stupid laugh. I hate her laugh. It's so joyful.    Laughing, joyful gingers aren't fun. Joyful gingers aren't fun. Gingers aren't fun. Gingers have no souls. 

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU SOULLESS GINGER!" she stopped laughing and stared at me for a second as though she thought I was crazy before she gave me a look that said she knew I was crazy as shit. Wait... shit ain't crazy. It CAN'T be crazy. Shit being crazy is just like gingers having souls! It's impossible!!!! 


I just had the weirdest dream. Bellatrix, Voldemort, Lucius, Draco and Snapey were doing this weird sort of dance and I was laughing my fucking ass off and then Voldy tried to kill me but failed... Sucker.

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