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Cissy looked around with a heavy sigh, she hasn't been here in months. She's missed the calm feeling she used to get staying up here every morning before studying her magic. She walked around the place, it wasn't as dusty as she expected it to be. It was actually... clean.


There was tiny box on the top shelf of her old table that she swore she had never owned, Cissy picked the unfamiliar box up and opened it cautiously,


"Drop the damn box." a threatening, female, voice from behind whispered. My eyes widened, how on earth?


"Geez. You could say please." I huffed, turning to the girl. Woah. Girl. This kid was about 13. What on earth is up? How did she get in? How did she find it? "What's your name?"


"Hannah." she snapped, getting the box and tucking it under her arm protectively. "What are you doing in my house?"


"Your house? Listen, darling. This is my place. How'd you find it?"


"It's not that inconspicuous, you know." The girl, Hannah, rolled her eyes. "It's a huge ass house."


"No. That's not it. This is wrong. Unless..." Cissy muttered, she closed her eyes and pulled out her wand and waved it at the kid. Sure enough, her suspicions were right.


"Oh... that whore." the 16 year old chuckled.

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