SHUTTING HIS ALARM off, Miles swung his feet over the edge of his bed into his already laid out trousers sprawled out on the floor.
He pulls his trousers up to his waist only to realise they're shorter?
"That's weird..." he mumbled "My pants shrank." The boy gasps as his eyes quickly widened.
"I think I hit puberty!" He said out loud.
His roommate Ganke, paused for a second hearing what Miles had said.
"Miles, you're 17, you've already hit puberty" Ganke sighed as he continued typing on his computer.
'I should've just kept that to myself' Miles thought as he quickly got dressed and scurried out of his dorm pulling his trouser legs down...
Walking through the school halls Amari kept tugging at her skirt trying to pull them down. Ever since she woke up that morning her skirt felt a lot shorter than usual.
'Ain't no way I grew that much over night' the girl thought to herself as she continued tugging at the fabric.
The girl also noticed that she could see a lot more clearly? She had twenty twenty vision fit for a pilot as far as she could remember but all of a sudden everything's been magnified about five hundred times, it felt like she had microscopes as eyes. She could see and hear the lice on the head of the girl next to her, next to her was an understatement, in reality the girl was about twenty yards away from her.
She could also hear what sounded like heartbeats from the students around her.
'What the hell?' Amari thought to herself.
Approaching her locker Amari fumbled with her keys trying to put the right one into her lockers key hole.