THEY ALL WATCHED as the two machines started creating a blast of energy towards each other. Everything started shaking and Miles grabbed Amari's hand.
Amari's ears twitched as she listened to what people were saying from the control room.
'I see multiple dimensions opening!'
'That was three, four and five separate dimensions'
'It's unstable! We should stop'
Miles and Amari both yelled as the place they were once on soon collapsed. Miles grabbed onto a railing as he held onto Amari.
"Norm, what's your take on head trauma?" Spider-Man asked while being crushed by Green Goblin.
Green Goblin looked up only to be hit in the face by a chunk of the roof that came off. Goblin grunted and let go of Spider-Man as he fell over.
"I tried to warn you, pal" Spider-Man said standing up and swinging away. Green Goblin stood up and flew after him.
Goblin grabbed Spider-Man with his foot and pushed his face into the energy blasting from the collider.
"Goblin, no! Get him outta there!" Kingpin called out.
The energy from the collider started to change to a different colour as Spider-Man started to glitch. Amari and Miles both watched, waiting for something to happen.
An overwhelming blast engulfed Amari, overloading her senses. A stunning flash blasts their shadow across the room as they were slammed by some indescribable force. Amari could taste the dirt as she realised that she and Miles had been knocked into the ground.
Her ears were ringing from the roaring boom in the night. She felt and heard everything before she even realised what had happened.