Chapter 2

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It has been 4 months since Sarafina's death. Her death had absolutely crushed Nala. She wasn't eating for days until she realised that she was hurting Kopa by not eating. Vitani and Nuka were born a few days after Kopa was.

The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon. Kopa was an early bird. He was always the first member of the pride awake. He snuck away from his parents and quietly went to the other side of the cave to see if Vitani and Nuka were awake. After getting close enough to the sleeping twins, he sees that they are fast asleep in their father, Chuma's arms. But Zira is nowhere to be seen.

Kopa sighs but then decides to go and watch the sunrise over the kingdom. Simba wakes up and watches his son leave the cave and sit at the tip of Pride Rock. Simba gets up and carefully avoids stepping on the sleeping lions and lionesses. He walks out of the cave and sits down next to Kopa.

"Good morning, son." He says to his cub, still watching the sunrise.

"Morning Dad." Kopa replied. "The sun rise is beautiful, isn't it?" he asked his father.

Simba nodded. "Follow me Kopa, I want to show you something cool." And with that, Simba got up and walked off with Kopa following him closely.

Simba brought his son to the top of Pride Rock, just like his father did with him many years ago.

"Woah! This view is amazing Dad!" Kopa exclaimed. Simba smiled and looked down and his son who was in awe of the view.

"Kopa, everything the light touches is our kingdom" he began. Kopa looked up at his father curiously. "But a king's time as ruler, rises and falls like the sun. One day Kopa, the sun is going to set on my time here, and it will rise with you as the new king." Kopa sat for a few moments before speaking.

"Dad, what do you mean when you say the sun will set on your time here?" Kopa's curiosity was getting to him. Simba sighed.

"Kopa, do you remember the time you asked me what the stars were?"

"Yeah, you told me they were the Great Kings of the Past. Right?" the curious cub asked.

"Yes." Simba replied. "What I meant was, when I become one of those stars, you will become the new King."

Kopa hesitated for a moment before nodding. Simba then got up and started to head back down to the ground.

"Come Kopa, there's more that I must tell you." Kopa followed his father down to the ground and out into the Pridelands.

As they walked through the Pridelands, Simba was remembering the time his father was telling him about the Circle of Life. So he decided to do the same. He looked up at some birds flying through the sky before saying anything.

"Everything you see, exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance. That means you must respect all creatures: from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope."

Kopa shot his head up in confusion. "Dad, we eat the antelope."

Simba looked down at his son and smiled. He was chuffed that his son had the same reaction as he did to that speech.

"Yes Kopa, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so, we are all connected in the Great Circle of Life."

Kopa looked up at his father in total confusion, as if he had just spoken another language.

"What?" the cub asked.

Simba laughed at his son's confusion. "Don't worry son, I didn't quite understand it either. But you will eventually." Simba then remembered that he must ask Zazu for the morning report. The king smiled mischievously and called for Zazu. After a few moments of waiting in silence, the major-domo arrived.

"Good morning sire. Would you like the morning report?" Zazu asked knowing the answer.

"Oh yes please." Simba smiled.

As Zazu was blabbering about Simba crouched down to Kopa's eye level.

"Wanna have some fun with the bird?" Simba asked his son mischievously.

Kopa smiled and crouched down also and began slowly walking over to pounce on an innocent Zazu.

"Zazu, could you do me a favour and turn around please." Simba asked the bird. Zazu nodded and turned around with his back facing the two crouched lions.

After a few moments of waiting for the perfect moment to pounce, Kopa finally did it and took Zazu by surprise. The major domo screamed in shock and looked up with an unamused look at the laughing king.

"Hmmph. Like father like son." Zazu stated before flying away rather annoyed.

Kopa jumped onto Simba and the two rolled around in the grass and laughed for a few moments before Vitani and Nuka jumped out of the long grass.

"Hey Kopa, morning King Simba." Nuka said whilst bowing. Simba smiled at the two cubs. "Wanna play with us Kopa?" Vitani asked eagerly.

Kopa looked up at his father who nodded in approval. The three cubs took off into the long grass, while Simba got up and headed back to see if Nala had gotten good news from Rafiki.

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