A Royal Surprise

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3 months later:

It has been a few months since Nala announced that she was pregnant again. Kopa was now 7 months old, and he had grown over the last three months. His mane had also started to grow. Zazu came back with one of his old friends, Kanai, and he had become good friends with Sarabi (even though she could hardly see him). Zira's third cub, Kovu was born a week ago, and his eyes had just opened this morning. Chuma was continuing to have nightmares of his abusive childhood for a few days, but thankfully for him, it stopped. Kopa was waiting outside the cave with Simba, while Rafiki was with Nala, as she had gone into labour a short while ago. Kopa was extremely excited to meet his new brother or sister soon, but Simba was nervous, once again.

"Oh my gosh, I can't wait any longer!" Kopa demanded. He looked up at his father who still had a worried expression on his face. Simba didn't want Kopa to see him worried, so he started asking what new sibling he wanted.

"What do you want the cub to be, Kopa; a boy or a girl?" he asked. Kopa stared at the ground for a moment, thinking, and then shot his head up again to speak.

"I really want to have a brother, but I guess, a sister would be nice too." He said. After a couple of minutes, Rafiki finally walked out of the cave smiling, just like he did when Kopa was born. Simba rushed over to Rafiki, about to flood him with questions again, but Rafiki put his finger on Simba's lips, preventing him from talking.

"Hush Simba." The wise and old mandrill began. "Congratulations of becoming a fader once again, but dis time, to three girls!" Simba and Kopa's jaws dropped, leaving Rafiki in a fit of laughter.

"Please tell me you're joking." Kopa begged. Rafiki shook his head. "Go in and see for yourself, my prince." He said.

Kopa walked into the cave, being followed by Simba. Kopa's eyes widened as he saw his mother lying down with 3 tiny bundles of fur sleeping in between her forelegs. He walked over to her and sat down beside her, staring at his three sisters in awe.

"They're so small, Mom." He whispered. Nala smiled at her son, and then looked up at Simba.

"Well." She began. "They're girls, so what do you want to call them." She smirked. Simba thought for a few moments and looked back down at his 3 girls and smiled.

"The one on the left will be called Kiara. The one in the middle is Zuri, and on the right is Tiifu." Kopa looked at his dad and then turned back to his sisters, before gently licking each of their tiny faces.

"I think those names are beautiful, Dad." He said.

Meanwhile outside the cave, Vitani was desperately trying to go and see the new princesses, but Rafiki was standing outside the cave and wouldn't let her in.

"PLEASE Rafiki! Please let me in!" she begged. Her begging went on, for what felt like hours for the poor old mandrill, when in reality, was only about 15 minutes, before she finally broke him.

"Alright! You can go in!" Rafiki almost shouted. Vitani smiled and happily walked into the cave. She saw Kopa beside Nala, so she ran over to him, and sat down next to him and smiled at the sleeping princesses.

"Queen Nala, they're beautiful." She said. Nala smiled tiredly at the young lioness. Simba noticed how tired she looked at decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Kopa, why don't you and Vitani go play for a while, and let your mother get some much needed rest." He advised. Kopa nodded and walked out of the den, followed by Vitani. Simba then turned to Nala with a concerned face.

"Zira is gone again. And she just had Kovu last week. Who could she be visiting that is more important than taking care of her newborn son?" As Simba continued to rant, he hadn't noticed that Nala had fallen asleep. After a few moments, he turned and saw his sleeping queen. He smiled down at her before getting up and heading off to get the morning report from Zazu.

That evening:

Many hours had passed since Nala had given birth, and it was almost dinner time. The lionesses were out hunting, and Kopa was spending some quality time with Sarabi. She was telling him some stories about his grandfather, Mufasa.

"And that's how your Grandfather saved your parents from those hyenas. Your Dad was quiet a trouble maker." Kopa giggled and nuzzled Sarabi, and she nuzzled him back. Simba looked over at his son and Sarabi, and couldn't help but smile at the two nuzzling each other. He walked over to Sarabi. Kopa saw him walking over and informed Sarabi, just in case her son's voice gave her a jumpscare on accident.

"Grandma, Dad's here!" Kopa said happily. Sarabi turned her head slightly.

"Hey Mom. Telling Kopa some more stories, were you?" he asked.

"Yes I was. I was telling him about the time you had that 'accident' in the cave." Simba blushed hard when she said this.

"You did WHAT?!" Simba screamed in panic. His mother promised him that that little 'accident' would stay between the two of them. Sarabi chuckled.

"Relax, my son, I'm joking." She reassured. Simba sighed, in immeasurable relief.

"What accident did my Dad have, Grandma?" Kopa asked. Simba glared at his son. He began mouthing "Don't push your luck" to him. Kopa smiled, knowing that he got what he wanted; riling up his dad.

The lionesses walked into the cave with a wildebeest. Kopa looked over at the wildebeest and licked his lips. He turned back to Sarabi.

"Grandma, the lionesses are back, and they brought back your favourite; Wildebeest. (Ironic XD). Sarabi sniffed and picked up the scent of the animal and smiled.

"Good, cause I'm feeling pretty hungry." She replied. Everyone gathered around the wildebeest and had their fair share of food. All except for Zira. Chuma looked out of the cave and saw that the sun was beginning to set.

She's gonna be here soon. He thought to himself. Chuma and Zira's relationship had reached breaking point over the 3 months, and they weren't even on speaking terms. Zira wouldn't let Chuma go near Kovu at all. He got to properly interact with his new son this morning, when Zira had abandoned Kovu to visit, him.

Not long after everyone had finished eating, Zira arrived at Pride Rock. Nobody even bothered to speak to her anymore, because they feared they would get verbally, and probably physically abused by her. Upon entering, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her for a few moments, before continuing to chat with one another. Zira walked over to Chuma, who had Kovu sleeping in his forelegs, and snatched her son out her ex-mate's grasp. Kovu woke up and began to whimper. Chuma was annoyed at what Zira had done.

"Look at what you did! He's awake now." Chuma scolded. He hoped and prayed that Zira would ignore him like she always did. And fortunately for him, she did, sorta. After Chuma had finished speaking, Zira just unsheathed her claws for a few moments, letting Chuma see the blood on them (from the animal she gave to him), before retracting them back into her paws. Chuma gulped. Vitani crawled over to her mother and smiled.

"Hey Mom, guess what." She started. Zira looked at her from the corner of her eye, not caring less about what she had to say. "Queen Nala told me that she would start giving me lessons to becoming queen once she is fit enough to leave the cave again!" the young lioness cub beamed. Zira was beyond raging at this point. It was bad enough that her daughter was even FRIENDS with Kopa, but being engaged to him, and becoming his QUEEN was crossing the line.

"I am NOT letting my daughter become that brute's daughter-in-law, and the future queen." She thought to herself. Suddenly, it hit her. She smiled maliciously, Vitani not seeing the maliciousness in her smile.

"Oh Vitani I am so utterly delighted." She said to her daughter. Zira then turned to Simba who was nuzzling Kopa. She smiled maliciously once more. "Oh Simba, do I have one hell of a surprise for you." She thought.

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