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It had been about an hour since Simba had left for Rafiki's tree, and he was on his way back. Kopa was at the tip of Pride Rock, waiting patiently for his father to come home. Then he saw a golden figure in the distance, getting closer and closer. He turned around and ran back into the den to notify his mother.

"Mom! Dad's back." He exclaimed as he jumped around with excitement. Nala got up and walked out of the den to see if her son was right, and, he was. She smiled as she saw her king make his way up to Pride Rock and they nuzzled each other briefly, before Simba nuzzled Kopa.

"Welcome back, Dad. How is Rafiki?" Kopa asked.

"He is doing fine, son." Simba smiled. Vitani, being the bundle of energy she is, ran out of the cave to Kopa.

"Hey Kopa, wanna go for a walk or somethin'?" she asked the young prince. Kopa looked up at his parents and they smiled and nodded in approval. The two cubs cheered and ran off. Nala looked at Simba and began to speak.

"Should we tell him tonight?" She asked. Simba looked back at her and smiled.

"I think he is gonna be the happiest cub alive." He said back to his queen.

The two monarchs turned to see Chuma walk out of the cave looking concerned.

"So, did you find Zira?" he asked the king. Simba nodded and waited a few seconds before speaking.

"Rafiki told me that he fears that she might be visiting someone he knows, but he didn't tell me who, just in case he was wrong." Chuma sighed in disappointment.

"I'll talk to her tonight and try to get to the bottom of this." He answered.

The two cubs were taking a walk through the pridelands. They were passing a small field of flowers, when one of them caught Kopa's eye. He stopped walking and picked it up. Vitani turned and saw what he was doing and she blushed when she put it behind his ear. She gave him a gentle lick on his muzzle, which made Kopa go crimson red. Vitani laughed at her friend's reaction. Kopa's brain went crazy after this and he opened his mouth to say something he never thought he would say.

"I love you!" he blurted out. Vitani gasped and then giggled before licking his muzzle again. This time it was a long and passionate lick.

"I love you too." She replied. Kopa felt weak and gave her a loving lick back. Vitani giggled.

"Wanna go for a swim? It's kinda warm out." She asked. Kopa nodded and the two lovers headed down to the waterhole.

The two cubs kept on chatting to each other while they made their way to their destination.

"You know, Kopa, I think you'll make a great king one day." She said. Kopa smiled.

"And all kings will need a queen." He winked after finishing his sentence. Vitani began to tear up and nuzzled Kopa lovingly.

"Thank you, Kopa. I love you so much." She whispered. Kopa just licked her head before they continued their walk.

A few hours had passed now, and the lionesses had just caught an antelope for their dinner. They brought it back to Pride Rock.

"Yes. My favourite: antelope." Simba beamed.

"Are Kopa and Vitani still outside?" Nala asked

"Yes, I will call them back." Simba answered before sending an ear piercing roar across the pridelands, hoping that his son and friend would hear it. And sure enough, they did. Kopa heard his father's call.

"Dinner must be ready. Come on, I'm starving." the hungry prince said before walking out of the water and shaking himself off. Vitani copied her mate and the two ran back to Pride Rock.

A few miles away, a lone lioness was walking through a dry, and barren land. She could see a tiny Pride Rock in the distance, so she kept on walking.

The two hungry cubs arrived home and were greeted by Nuka.

"Hey lovebirds. How's it going?" he joked. Vitani was getting sick of the teasing her brother was doing and hit him across the face.

"OW! Jeez, Vitani what was that for?" he asked while rubbing where she hit.

"I told you already to stop teasing us. You're probably doing it because you're jealous that you don't have a mate." Vitani's roast had shocked Kopa. Nuka laughed and turned back into the cave. Simba walked out of the cave and nuzzled his son.

"It's about time you two are back. What have you been doing the last few hours?" he questioned.

"I was playing in the water with my girlfriend, Dad." Kopa answered proudly. Vitani blushed as she had no idea Kopa would tell anyone so soon. Simba chuckled and nuzzled his son again.

"I was thinking that one day you two might fall in love. Ever since babies, the two of you were very close with eachother, just like I was with your mother, Kopa." Nala walked out of the cave and sat down beside her mate.

"Did I hear that correctly?" she asked while smiling. Kopa smiled back at his mother and nodded. Vitani smiled at the king and queen.

"I'm sure you're mother would be delighted to hear the news." Simba stated.

"What news?" Zira asked coldly. Kopa turned around to see Vitani's mother glaring at him. Kopa was secretly frightened of Zira, but he didn't tell anyone because he didn't want to be made fun of for it. Nala stood up proudly.

"My son and you're daughter are a couple." She said happily. Zira forced a smile onto her face. On the inside there was a burning flame inside her that wanted to rip that prince's throat out for being in love with her daughter.

"I am overjoyed to hear this wonderful news." She answered sarcastically before walking into the cave. She was then followed by Vitani. Kopa was about to follow his lover in, when he was stopped by his mother.

"Hold on there, young man, we have something we want to tell you." She began. Kopa began to look worried as he thought it might be bad news.

"You're gonna be a big brother, Kopa." Nala announced. The cub's eyes light up and he screamed in joy. Simba smiled and nuzzled his mate.

"When ever I do become a big brother" Kopa began. "I will make sure nothing ever happens to my new sibling or siblings."

The Lion King: A Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now