Bonding and Mysteries

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The three cubs ran around for a few minutes racing eachother and playing tag, before Vitani got bored.

"Hey guy's, I'm bored. Can we do wrestling or something?" she asked the two boys.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." Nuka replied. Kopa was looking down at his paws. Vitani saw that he looked uncomfortable and asked if he was alright.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine Vitani." Kopa said.

"Kopa and I are wrestling first!" Vitani said proudly. Kopa sighed and got into position to wrestle the lioness. Their wrestling match lasted a few moments, however, because Vitani beat Kopa easily. He brushed the dust from the ground off himself and looked up Vitani who was celebrating her victory.

"Wow Kopa, you lost to a giiiiiiirl." Nuka joked. Kopa frowned and was about to sit down so Nuka and Vitani could wrestle, but Vitani put her paw on Kopa's tail, stopping him from going anywhere.

"Oh no you don't mister, you're gonna wrestle Nuka next." Vitani told Kopa.

Nuka sprung up and got into position. The two cubs wrestled for about 5 minutes. It looked like Kopa was going to win, but Nuka won the battle by pinning Kopa to the floor.

"YES! I BEAT THE PRINCE OF THE PRIDELANDS!" Nuka cheered. Vitani laughed at her brother celebrating. Kopa sighed sadly before walking away from the twins. Vitani saw Kopa leave and became concerned for her friend.

"Nuka, I don't think he's taking his loss too well." Vitani said before following Kopa through the long grass.

Kopa stopped by the waterhole and looked at his own reflection in the water.

"How can I be a prince if I'm weak." He asked himself. Vitani poked her head through the long grass and saw how upset her friend was. She walked through and sat down beside him, not saying anything for a few moments.

"What's wrong Kopa?" she asked. "Are you upset because you lost a stupid wrestling match?"

"How am I supposed to be a prince if I'm weak?" he responded. "I can't even win a wrestling match." Vitani felt awful for her friend and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Kopa" she began. "You may not be the strongest cub, but, you're definitely the best looking." Kopa blushed at what she had just said and Vitani giggled when she saw how red his face went. After a minute, Kopa responded to her.

"Thanks, Vitani. You're not bad looking yourself you know?" Vitani giggled.

"Not BAD looking eh?" she asked jokingly. "I'll have you know, Kopa, that I'm the best looking lioness in the Pridelands." She saw Kopa smile at her. She was happy that she was able to get her friend to cheer up a bit. She put her head under his chin and nuzzled him. This took Kopa by surprise, but he returned her nuzzle.

"Awwww. Look at the two love birds." The two cubs turned and saw Nuka standing there smiling at them. They both blushed as Nuka kept on teasing them.

"Vitani and Kopa sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

Vitani got fed up of the teases and walked over to her brother and pushed him over playfully.

"Grow up Nuka." She smiled to her brother.

The three cubs heard Simba's roar in the distance.

"I'm guessing food must be ready." Kopa guessed before the three cubs ran back to Pride Rock.

"Congratulations on the cub, Chuma." Simba said to his friend. Chuma smiled back at his king.

"Simba? You wouldn't happen to know where Zira is, would ya?" Simba shook his head. It became clear that he wasn't the only one who thought that Zira disappearing almost every day was strange. She would leave very early in the mornings and wouldn't be back until after sunset of that day.

The three cubs arrived back at Pride Rock and saw their food waiting for them in the cave. They ran inside and began to dig into it.

"If you want, Chuma, I can go back to Rafiki to see if he can find out what she is up to." Simba began. "He recently found some magic ball that can let you see anyone you want."

Chuma nodded his head in approval. Simba smiled at his friend and said goodbye to Nala and Kopa, before heading over to the Baobab tree.

Rafiki was meditating in his tree when he heard Simba call him.

"Rafiki are you in there?" he asked. The old mandrill looked down at the king and smiled.

"Yes, I am, what can ol' Rafiki help you wit'?" he asked. Simba asked if he could use the magic ball. Rafiki smiled and turned back into his tree. Simba could hear some thing's being moved around before finally hearing Rafiki cheer.

"AHA. Dere you are." The mandrill cheered. He climbed down the tree carefully while holding the ball in his hand. He placed the ball infront of Simba, and signalled for him to speak.

"Zira." The king commanded. The ball clouded up for a few moments before revealing where the lioness was. Simba could see her heading to a place he would have thought nobody would ever visit.

"Oh my." He said. He turned the ball so Rafiki could see her.

"Look where she's headed to." Simba pointed. Rafiki gasped.

"It seems dat she must be visiting someone, and I fear I might know who." Rafiki said nervously.

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