Chaper 10

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Cheryl's POV
BANG! I awoke to someone crawling through my bedroom window "hello?" I said in the dark not really expecting someone to answer ,I quickly turned over and turned on the old lamp on my bed side table my window was wide open with blood hand prints on the sill. "Toni?" I said since that girl is prone to getting herself hurt. Once again I was right Toni was in my room and hurt "hey red" she said breathing heavily, I jumped out of bed and walked to the girl and picked her up, sitting her on the bed "what happened?" I asked quickly grabbing my personal med kit from under the bed...don't ask why i have this..I just do. Anyway Toni smiled and said "I had fun" I looked into her eyes and there was something dark it was like she was looking straight through me, into my soul. I know Toni's eyes I have looked into them eyes for many years while I would bully her and these are not the same eyes as before. "Toni what happened?" I said softly wiping of the blood from her face "I told you! They wanted some fun!" Toni said getting angry. I took a step away from the girl "what's wrong Toni? Are you okay Toni ? Why did you do that Toni ? Why would you hurt them Toni? I told you to stop hurting people Toni !" Toni screamed "I am sick of people constantly telling me what to do! If I want to rip a mans head of because am bored who that fuck has the power to stop me? No one! If I want to fuck the brains out of a random person am going to fucking do it! No one controls me anymore!" She was getting closer and closer and more angry with every second that passed "okay! Okay I get it! You have made your point!" I said whimpering a little. Tonis eyes grew red " Antoinette topaz! Calm yourself right now" a booming voice growled. Tonis face softened for a second before she looked at the door and saw Alfa then she just pounced at him, they started to fight I howled to wake everyone up the first person I saw run out of there room was Betty she looked at me worried them looked at the two bloody wolfs still fighting "she won't listen to me B you need to try! Before someone gets killed" I said quickly Betty nodded and shouted at Toni "Toni stop! This isn't you!" Betty shouted but that didn't do anything. Toni was now sat on top on her father with her strong hands gripped around his throat squeezing "please Toni, please am here! I love you so much! Please Toni don't do this" I screamed my voice braking Toni let go of her father and looked at me her eyes where still red "what?" She said standing up and walking to me I took a step away from her in fear she would snap again "I won't ever hurt you" she said to me her eyes soft and honest. Tonis father slowly stood up with help of others "get out!" he shouted at Toni "your mother was right! Your no daughter of mine! Get out of this house!" He boomed Toni looked at him with pleading eyes "I don't know what's wrong with me I can't control anything! Am so sorry please don't kick me out I need help" Toni said on the edge of crying. "Fine I know a place you can go to learn your manners! You will stay there until your 18, you will learn our ways and you will learn that I am your Alfa until the day I die" Alfa growled my wolf made me cut in "two years!? Alfa you can't-" I was immediately shut up with one glare from the older man "okay dad" Toni said understandingly "jan will you drive Toni to the place make sure she is comfortable and booked in" wait she is going now? I looked at Toni worried she just smiled sadly "am sorry Cheryl, thank you" she said before she walked out the house with jan right behind her. "Everyone back to bed" Alfa said with a sad smile once everyone was back in bed it was just me and Alfa "am sorry Cheryl but that girl is out of control and with the power she is going to grow she needs to learn to control herself, I though I would be able to teach her myself but as you saw she is stronger then any wolf I have had to teach...or fight" I sighed knowing he was right "where is she going? Can I see her at all?" "It's a secret boarding school for creatures like us they will teach her everything she needs to know and sadly no, there is no visitors to reduce the risk of getting caught" I nodded my head sadly "get some sleep Cheryl we have work to do tomorrow" I nodded again and walked to my room to have yet another sleepless night.

Tonis POV
Well done toni! You just almost killed your father, AGAIN! I looked out of the car window and saw the passing trees in the dark "why don't you get some sleep T we have a long drive" jan said from next to me I agreed and closed my eyes. I awoke to getting thrown out the car onto the floor then the car speeding away "thanks asshole!" I shouted after jan as the car disappeared into the distance "there will be no language like that at this school" an older woman said from behind me I quickly turned around and realised I was outside a huge white building it was like the White House! Stood at the door was an old white haired woman with a hard facial expression but next to her was a blonde girl she was around my age and had a bright smile on her face. "Welcome to Miss Robichaux's Academy for the magical" said the young girl while blushing as I looked her up and down with a smirk. "I think am gonna like it here" I said still looking at the girl "don't count on it, am Cordelia Goode and this is my daughter Misty" said the older woman with a fake smile "great it's nice to meet you am Toni topaz" I said holding out my hand for the woman to shake but she just glared at me and said "we don't use nicknames here we will call you Antoinette topaz" I cringed at the name "only my family call me that" the woman laughed "we are your family for the next two years" the realisation finally hit me when I realised she was right. "Come in girl! Misty will show you to your room everything you need will be in there, you will wear the uniform that is on the bed and Misty will tell you the main rules of the school! I will be in my office if you need me" said Cordelia I watched as she disappeared down the corridor I sighed and looked at Misty "is she always so-" I was interrupted when misty's hand flew to my mouth and she pushed me into a small room " you need to be careful talking about my mother like that she can hear more then you think and if she heard you god you would be-" Misty rambled " your cute when you ramble" I flirted jokingly she blushed and looked away from me I walked closer to her and she pushed me away " you dogs with your cocky personality's and cute smiles" she said smiling "ouch that's hurtful well now am curious... if your not a wolf what are you?" Misty stood up confidently and said "am a witch and my mother is the supreme witch which means the leader of the witches" I raised an eyebrow and nodded "that's cool, well you should probably show me to my room I wouldn't want your pretty face to get into trouble because of a cocky dog" I joked Misty laughed and agreed. We walked out of the small room and she started to show me around. "Over there is the lunch hall, and that is the library, these are the classrooms, that's the garden and the greenhouse and these are the bedrooms everyone get there own room" Misty Finished I walked into my room it was small but I don't care it's very plain but I can change that "well before I leave you to get changed I need to run through some rules" I stopped looking around and focused on the smaller girl in front of me "1. You must use manners 2. No fowl language fighting 4. No sex alcohol 6. No drugs" I laughed witched stopped her from talking "wait seriously no sex?" Misty shifted a little then said "yeh it's been a rule for years now" I huffed "your allowed to masterbate right?" I asked seriously Misty started to burn bright red and nodded her head I laughed "come on Mis I was only teasing" Misty's eyes locked onto mine "mis? Is that a nickname" I got a little nervous but nodded "I like it" she smiled at me. A silence fell over us as we just looked into each other's eyes, Misty was the one to brake the eye contact with a cough "well I will see you downstairs for dinner in 20 minutes" she said as she left my room and closed the door. I lay on my surprisingly comfortable bad and thought. Cheryl. My wolf misses her smell, her face but...I miss misty's laugh. These are going to be some hard years.

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