Chapter one- what is wrong with me!

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Toni's pov
I groaned as I turned over in my bed and turned off my alarm "maybe I should just stay in bed" I said to myself turning back over and cuddling into my blanket "Toni you better not be going back to sleep" I heard my dad yell from the other side off my door I groaned again and threw the blanket off me "fine am up" I shouted back. Dragging myself out off bed I checked my phone and like always I only have a message from betty aka my best friend. Betty always woke up way too early too make sure I had everything I needed for school, I quickly text back and put down my phone heading to the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair putting up in a bun I walked to my wardrobe and pulled out my black ripped jeans, black panic at the disco top, black army boots and my black leather jacket. Am not emo or goth I just think I look a lot better in black then my favourite colour which is yellow it reminds me off the flowers me and my grandma used to pick when I was younger. I heard my phone ring just as I was pulling my top over my head so I rushed over and answered the call "hello topaz" Betty said in a happy tone from the other end off the phone "hello cooper" I answered laughing a little and looking around my room for my bag "am out side on your motorbike so hurry up" she said then hanging up I rolled my eyes putting my phone in my small yellow bag I have had for almost two years now. I ran downstairs smiling quickly kissing my mom and dad on the cheek and giving the both a side hug "good morning, Betty is outside so I need to go before she breaks my baby see you later, I love you" I shouted running out the door "betty cooper get your hands off my bike" I shouted then bursting out laughing as betty looked at me shocked/alarmed her hand flew to her heart "oh my gosh I almost shit myself you idiot"  she said hitting my arm playfully I couldn't stop laughing my ribs started hurting after a while. "Are you done it wasn't even that funny" betty said trying to hide a smile but it just made me laughing harder "your...face was.....hilarious" I said in between giggles I took a deep breath and tried to stop laughing but it didn't work. I quickly stopped when reggie mantle,Cheryl blossom and Veronica lodge slowly drove past us. Usually I would hide my face or look at the floor but I just looked as they pulled to a stop right in front of me and for some reason I wasn't scared I actually felt strong "well if it isn't the two losers" reggie said smirking and the two girls smirking too "well if it isn't the three dumbasses" I answered back crossing my arms over my chest. Cheryl slowly got out off the car and got close too my face "what did you just call us?" She said angrily I stood up straight and smiled "dumbasses but I meant assholes" Cheryl pushed me too the floor. My blood felt like it was boiling and my jaw clenched,I was about to get up and pounce on her but betty stood in front of me and gently pushed me back then softly said "she isn't worth it toni let's go" I hesitated before grabbed my helmet and throwing it to betty and getting on my bike waiting for the blonde once I felt her arms wrap around me I looked back at Cheryl who as staring at us angrily,I just drove away leaving her standing in my driveway. As soon as I parked in betty jumped off and shoved the helmet into my chest "what the hell was that? you just also had a fight with Cheryl are you stupid? You would off had your ass beat" she ranted I got off my bike then looked down at my hands "am sorry I just felt so angry but strong and I couldn't control myself" she hugged me then said "are you hurt?" Betty asked worry written in her words I shook my head, Betty let go off me just as the bell rang "come on we have geography" betty smiled sweetly as she laced our arms then we started walking to class. The first half off the day went so quickly it was actually a little scary how fast "you're toni topaz right?" Betty asked as she ran up to me smiling "yeh and who are you?" I asked playing along. You would be surprised at the amount off times we do this "betty cooper, I was just wondering who dyed your hair it looks so good" betty asked as we sat  under a tree on the field everyone sits on "well my best friend did it when I fell asleep and I am too lazy to dye it back" I answered truthfully as betty handed me my food since her mom makes food for both of us "wow she sounds like an ass" betty said as she stared eating I agreed but then said "yeah she is but I love her anyway" she looked at me with a smile "aw you are sweet" she spoke with her mouth full I punched her in the arm and she almost choked I laughed then said "sorry just don't speak with your mouth full" she nodded "sorry to interrupted you two lesbians but we want to sit here so move" A voice spoke I looked up and seen reggie,Veronica,Cheryl, Archie and two other girls stood in front of us betty started packing her stuff up and I just shook my head "sorry but we were here first there is another tree other there just sit there" I looked back at betty who looked a little scared "no we want to sit here so you move" Cheryl said stepped out off reggie's grip and bending down to my height "come on T let's just move" I shook my head and grabbed Betty's hand so she wouldn't leave "why should we they aren't the boss of us" I said getting comfortable and smiling up at the group "you have one more chance to move or" Cheryl started but I interrupted "or what?are you going to push me or maybe punch me again?" She looked down at the ground then stood up " move" I stood up and smiled then helped betty up too I quickly grabbed my bag and up it on "ok, you dogs aren't worth the breath" I said walking away. I heard betty giggling as we walked away. We found a bench to sit at but by the time we got there the bell rang meaning lunch was over I groaned standing up again "come on only two more hours then we are free for the day" I smiled at betty she always has a way to make me think off the good side of things. Those two hours dragged on but when the last bell rang I jumped up and ran out the class to go find betty.....totally not because Cheryl was in the lesson and she was staring at me for most off the totally not. As I was walking down the hall I heard someone shout my name it was definitely not betty,I stopped and slowly turned only to be pinned to the lockers I swallowed hard as Cheryl looked down at me angrily "what do you need Cheryl?" I asked as I started to sweat a little "why do you keep challenging me?" She said her hands on each side off my head "because you think you are...god or someone special but really you are just a girl that is dating a football player and cheers him on with other girls that think the same" she growled at me I looked at her a little shocked then she got closer to me "listen here you little bitch ,you and your stupid ugly girlfriend better back off before I hurt you both" she said her face getting closer and closer to mine. My blood boiled again when I heard what she said about betty I grabbed her shirt and turned us around and slammed her against the lockers. people now crowding around us "never talk about betty like that again" I said as a weird noise escaped my throat it was like a growl but am not a dog I must just need some water "she is a fat bitch" she said smirking I pulled her back and slammed her into the lockers again then I did it again before I punched her in the gut then in the face "TONI STOP IT" I heard betty shout I immediately let the girl go and I watched as she fell to the floor I smiled "next time listen to my warning" I said like a badass then I grabbed Betty's hand and ran out of the school "what the hell was that?" I froze when I realised what just happened "I just beat the shit out of Cheryl blossom" I looked at betty with wide eyes and she looked at me the same way until we both burst out laughing "I just beat the shit out of Cheryl fucking blossom" I repeated this time feeling proud off my self "what is wrong with me today? I have never ever wanted to do that I have always been so scared off her" I said leaning against my bike smiling betty slowly hugged me "thank you for defending me, it means so much" I hugged her back tightly then we heard someone shout "there they are" me and betty separated and seen Veronica,reggie and what seemed like the whole school coming towards us I was about to walk to them when betty dragged me onto the bike "no you are not getting into anymore trouble" she said while putting on the helmet I rolled my eyes then smiled while starting the engine. As we drove I seen betty stick up her middle finger to the people I laughed and did the same before speeding off. Me and Betty burst through my house door laughing about what just happened but we soon stopped when we seen my mom and dad waiting for us "Antoinette topaz and Elizabeth cooper get here now" my dad said seriously we looked at each other scared when we heard him use our full names but we slowly walked and stood in front of them both. "I heard you got into a fight" my mom said looking serious at us "am sorry Cheryl has bullied me for years and I finally stood up for myself .I tried so hard not to fight but she pinned me to the lockers and called betty some really horrible things" I rambled but they just looked at each other in a weird way then my dad asked "was it like your blood was boiling?" I nodded quickly then my father smiled and stood up holding up his hand to give me a high five I smiled back and high fives him. "Am proud off you darling" he said giving me a hug then he hugged betty since she is like a daughter to them too. I looked at my mom and she pointed to both of us "don't go around fighting everyone ok" I smiled and nodded so did betty them she hugged us tightly "Betty, your mom said since it is Toni's sixteenth birthday tomorrow you can stay off school with her and stay here tonight" my mom said smiling me and Betty smiled widely and silently celebrated. I looked at my mom and dad a little surprised "wait I never stay off school on my birthday" they looked at each other smiling then back at me "well we are going to go to the beach then we have to have a serious talk" I looked at them a little worried, if this "talk" is about sex am going to cry. Betty grabbed my arm and said "mario cart?" I smiled and nodded then we sprinted up stairs. That night me and Betty just played mario cart,watched movies,listened to music and talked until about three in the morning and that's when we finally fell asleep smiles on both our faces.

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