Uncertain Being

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Celia Green hated the concept of technology, some would even call her a tree hugger, however when she was addressed as such she would only roll her eyes and say, "Why, then I would be covered in splinters." You see Celia was ever so smart, many envied her ability to care so much, yet be so selfless.

Celia's mother, Mrs Green, had never allowed her only child to go to school, she had instead decided to home school her herself. You would've thought that Celia would wish to go to school with others her age, yet she spoke not a word about the subject, she would just remain quiet whenever the conversation occurred.

Mrs Green worked at home whilst Celia got on with her school work. She wrote romance novels. Sometimes Celia even noticed her mother getting so absorbed she would mouth and display the emotions of her beloved characters, sometimes she'd spy on her mother just for a laugh.

As for Celia's father... Neither Mrs Green nor Celia knew where he had disappeared to, but that was a forbidden topic that no one would dare divulge into, they would just pretend he would return soon...

The two of them lived in a thatched cottage at the base of a grand hill, they adored their cottage and the beautiful garden that came with it.

"Lunch in five, sweetheart!" Her mother called from within the house.

Celia frowned, dreading the thought of leaving the fresh air and the rose scented garden. She stood staring down at a flower bed that she and her mother had planted not a month ago, unable to decide what flower to pick from the large assortment of colours. When she finally picked a yellow pansy she tucked it behind her ear like she always did, and gazed up at the sky that the clouds were making way for.

"Celia!" Her mother called again. As she turned back towards the cottage she leapt out of her skin, a boy who looked not much older than herself at 14 or 15, sat on their garden wall taking huge bites from a shiny red apple.

"What on Earth do you think you are doing?" She asked the boy, slowly backing away.

At the sight of her the boy toppled backwards off the wall clumsily spilling apples, he had hidden in a bag, all over the place.

He had been scrumping apples from Mrs Greens apple tree, how dare he?

"Nothing... Why do you speak like that?" He answered staring blankly at Celia.

"I beg your pardon? Speak how exactly, you scum?" Celia growled growing more irritated.

"You speak like you have a cork stuck up somewhere where the sun don't shine." He laughed clutching onto the wall and heaving himself over.

"What are you on about? I certainly have no such thing up my rear!" She spat annoyed at the boys rudeness. "Besides you are the one in the wrong, you are a thief!"

The boy snorted sitting on the wall without any signs he had fallen off, he swung his feet back and forth like a pendulum.

"Are you coming? Your omelette is getting cold!" Mrs Green called once more.

"Yes mother!" Celia returned, then faced the boy. "Leave do not let me catch you again!"

"See you tomorrow!" The boy said smirking.

"No you most certainly will not!" Celia replied ignoring whatever he had to say, and darted into the house.

The next morning whilst Celia and her mother sat at the table eating wettabix, Mrs Green twiddled her thumbs and watched her daughter eat. "What is the matter, mother?"

"I have to visit town, the recreational church has asked me to go down today to give a reading from 'Sweet Sentiments', I hope to promote word about my romance novels."

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