Chapter 10

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We returned from the hospital shortly after being told I was fine, they did no tests they just asked me what was the problem and basically said there was nothing they could do. The only way the visit could have become worse was if the doctor had laughed at me. He was qualified for nothing in my eyes, amateur if you asked me.

"He didn't seem worried, that's a good sign." William offered as we walked back into the apartment.

"That's because he's a delinquent..." I mumbled before placing the plate in the washing up bowl.

"So, you... Don't remember me? Not even a bit." I squeezed my eyes shut willing myself to have any memories of him, I had no luck, not even a image came to mind.

"No, not yet, just have faith in me... It will come back to me, I won't let it beat me." This wasn't a time to be pessimistic, now he knew the truth we could get down to actually trying to explain what the hell I had done with my entire life.

"Do you want some more pancakes?" He asked seemingly avoiding the subject.

"Please, they are reeaally good." I grinned up at him like a 5 year old begging for a toy.

He opened the fridge and brought out some milk and eggs. "Want some chocolate pancakes? You used to love them."

"Sure." I answered more excited than I should've been at the concept of pancakes. William searched through some cupboards, found some chocolate and flour, then began mixing his ingredients. "How old am I?"

He stopped for a second then looked me up and down. "You're... Eighteen."

"How old are you?"

"Me, I'm twenty." William was vague, he didn't seem like he wanted to hold the conversation, I wouldn't have it though I needed to know.

"What happened between me and my mother that made me come here?" I whispered.

"I think you'd be better off not knowing... I don't know if the stress of it is what caused the amnesia in the first place..." He answered quietly.

"Okay then, I trust your advice... Answer me this though, how good friends are we?"

The pancake mixture was in the pan and it began to sizzle loudly. "We have been friends since you first started high school." He was beginning to aggravate me, couldn't he understand how much I wanted to know? Inside it felt like I was a little girl, lost in a deep maze and not only was there no exit, but the entrance had been boarded up.

"Who am I?" It was a stupid question but I couldn't think if another way round it.

"You are Celia Green." He answered plainly.

"That's not what I meant, what am I? What are my goals in life?" I pleaded biting my lip in anticipation.

"I can't...spell it out for you okay? You have to find out yourself, live for your memories." William sounded angry, frustrated at me, I couldn't understand why? It wasn't my fault that I had amnesia.

"Then help me spell it out! If you were really my friend you'd show me?" I blurted, tears creeping from my uncontrollable eyes.

"Look Celia, I need to go to work soon and I personally I think this will all brush over, you don't need to dramatise this more than its worth." And with that William scooped the pancake on a plate, slammed it down in front of me, turned the stove off then threw the pan into the sink. To say I'd lost my appetite was a huge understatement.

"Do I have a job?" I quickly asked, he only replied with a huff and slammed the door behind himself on the way out. Was I really being that unreasonable? Did he think I had put this upon myself?

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