Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Celia's POV:

I couldn't pinpoint how long it had been since I had felt so sane, I could only guess that it had started going downhill at Ryan's ghostly introduction. But that huge intake of fresh air, that could make anyone feel at peace with the world.

I glanced back at the past I had, then stared forward to the future ahead. The grass looked so green and so colourful compared to the plain walls in the institute, I bent down running my fingers through it and took in the sharp new cut textures I had long forgotten, I knew I was grinning like a maniac, I knew I looked fit to be bunged right back into that institute, I couldn't care less though because I would live every free second I owned from now on.

Ryan... Suddenly he popped into my head. Oh gosh, I had almost forgotten about my saviour, my hero. Panicked I rotated around on my bare heel, trying to stop my heart from erratically proceeding out from my chest.

"...Ryan? Are you here?"

Promising myself I'd only look once more for him before leaving, I gasped as someone took my hands from behind then curled them around my waist. Their breath was cold against my ear and it sent a fearing tingle down my neck.

As I took. A daring glance to my waist I winced, no one was there... I was imagining it? "I'm going to do something, and once I do it you're not going to ask me any questions, you're going to leave this place trying to look as inconspicuous as possible and you're... Going to forget me." Even I could notice the hesitant order...

What was going on? Why would Ryan leave me like this? Why now? He said he'd always be around, be by my side even if I couldn't see him... How could someone change their mind so quickly?

Some dignity remained within though, I didn't beg for him to stay, I didn't ask any questions, I stayed silent and let my deep calming breaths speak for me.

That's why when he flickered in front of my face, his lips barely even centimetres from mine, I closed my eyes and let him take the final stride as his mouth collided with mine, his lips interlocking with mine.

Time slowed, but even so he pulled away far too soon and when I hesitantly opened my eyes he was gone. I wanted to stay and let myself mourn his presence which had long passed... My eyes stayed intact to my surprise, no tears escaped as I put one carefully placed foot in front of the other and started down the painfully rough and scratchy pavement...

I owed him for my escape, I owed him the honour of living my life to the full, I just couldn't even think to promise myself to forget him, just to keep his memories hidden deep inside of me.

Luckily, they had built the institute close to the centre on town, so it wasn't long before the institute was out of sight and I was lost in the looming sky liners.

As the streets became more crowded, I realised that people were beginning to stare and that if I wasn't careful I could end up being back called in. I scooted around a dark alley stopping to think hard about where I could get some normal clothes from, there was no way I could blend in wearing all white and no shoes...

But where was there to go? Free clothes, couldn't be found anywhere. I looked up towards the sky, then noticed pink waving back and forth in the sky. Clothes, even if they were...really high up... I stepped towards the fire escape carefully watching my footing, then suddenly a door flew open behind me and then hands were over my mouth...

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