Chapter 14

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The car just sat, engine running, in the middle of the street unknown to the chaos curdling around it. It didn't help matters that it was rush hour, and well, the fact that my boss was kicking the living daylights out of some punks, attracting attention as expected.

My boss was a smallish man, small enough for these low trouser wearing jerks to predict they had nothing to be afraid of, the phrase pick on someone your own size would be weakly laughed at. Somehow I needed to cross the road and break this up before the cops had to, though with the diversions and honking of horns I would probably only end as flat as the chervon on the tarmac.

I couldn't understand why he seemed uncharacteristically protective of Celia, he had said it was a job, it was life or death important but how important? How can working shifts at a middle classed bar end up morfing into the kind of job only the mafia naturally know what to do...

Why was I being so hypocritical about all of this though, I couldn't deny my...feelings towards the girl we had slotted into our lives. Guilt stabbed at me, my own weak loyalty stabbed at me and the dear reminding picture tore at my heart. Celia was work, I had a job, I'd had the job so long I knew nothing but it, apart from the sudden chase in the girl... The people I worked with were my family and one memory deluded girl was not going to get in that path.

Where had all of this emerged from? She was the one who broke my heart, broke us apart I couldn't sat around brooding and waiting for the one girl I had really thought I had been in love with, I wasn't just in love with her, I was in love with the whole idea of her... It isn't healthy though, she's gone, off with some guy, I can only hope he treats her right. Had she told me the lucky mans name I would've made him not such a lucky guy and drilled some routine into him.

I mentally pinched myself and focused. Other problems were at hand, I couldn't sink back to that darkening hole I called my heart. I swerved my way across the road, only narrowly being missed by a ford fiesta, with a driver as furious as a pent up bull, he blared his horn, muttered some profanities and continued on.

By the time I had crossed the chaotic road my boss had one lad on the floor, his hands shielding himself in surrender, yet he was still kicking him like he was a punchbag. The others that had been around backing up this guy just seconds ago were long gone. I don't know what these guys actually did to Celia, though she had only seemed upset and not physically wounded, a simple threat perhaps would've been enough from my bosses behalf.

"You think this is unfair?! Huh you little b******?! You don't know unfair, you go anywhere near that girl again and you won't be seeing yourself as a man anymore, if you get what I mean." The guy on the ground gulped then nodded sharply, then with a nudge of my bosses foot the guy was up on his feet and limping away glancing back regularly with a paranoid expression.

"Ermm sir, I don't know if this is any of my--' Wait of course it was my business, he had made everything to do with Celia my business. "Did you see what those idiots did to Celia?"

My boss brushed himself down then squared his jaw.

"They were chasing her." He said simply.

"Do you really think that was necessary?" I asked gesturing around to the scene he had just caused.

"You could have prevented that scene entirely, had you not left the girl to wonder the streets like a homeless dog." He said rage glinting off the edges of his words.

"I had to work." I sighed.

"Do you really think that whilst caring for the girl you have time to shuffle two jobs?" He snarled then started towards his car.


"What? Can't you handle it, I'm sure I could find someone else. But don't you think erasing someone's memory twice is in humane?"

"I can handle it... But why do we have to do this." It frightened me that he wasn't afraid to speak loudly about it in the middle of the street, but no one spared us a second glance.

"Because I say so, you do your job or you lose your job." And with that his tyres were screeching down the road.

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