Chapter 13

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I pressed the door handle down and it swung open eerily slow, I squinted as I peered into my apartment. Celia was no where in sight. "Celia?"

No reply, she could be tucked away in her room... Probably p*ssed at me for shouting at her, after what had happened I had somehow wished I had stayed with her instead. But by doing that I wouldn't have been able to input on my fathers care, I couldn't think too much about that anymore it just winded me up, if mum thinks she's so good at caring for him she can care for him alone.

I locked the door behind me as I wandered up to Celia's bedroom door. "Celia, I'm sorry I shouted." I said placing my hand against the wall. "Please don't take it personally, I thought it was important."

Still no reply. "Celia, don't do this to me." I guess she just needed some time, women think about things more in depth than us when it comes to gushy cr*p, it probably didn't help that she had time to stew. "Fine give me the silent treatment..." I should've thought more before saying that, dammit I'm so bloody awful with women, but by trying to correct myself I could make the situation even more worse, though I doubted I could make it worse. Just shut it Will!

There was a series of raps on the door, I squared my shoulders and readied myself to answer it. No one came up here, the post was left downstairs and generally no one knew where I lived, excluding my boss he wasn't a complete idiot though he knew not to come up here.

More knocks erupted through the door. So I rested my fingers against the handle and warily opened the door, god forbid there to be a peep hole.

I wasn't seeing this, how? What? I must've had the appearance of a blubbering fish... "Celia--Wha--" she pushed past me and into the apartment before I could say anything else.

"Lock the door!" Celia gasped between breaths, I locked it behind her and slotted the chain.

Fears crowded my mind, had her memories come back? Was I dreaming, nope pinching myself proved otherwise. Was I crazy, delusional? I walked hesitantly to Celia's room and tapped open the door... Phew there wasn't two hallucinations, well none for that matter.

I shook it off and met Celia's eyes, she looked as though she was having struggle breathing and her cheeks were flushed, she'd been running? "Where did you go?" I asked carefully confused at the sudden outburst of events.

She crouched over placing her hands on her knees, was it bad to say she looked hot and not the temperature kind of hot... "For. A. Walk." She muttered.

"Why?" I helped her to the sofa then went to the kitchen to make her a glass of water. "Why would you just up and go?"

"Unless. I'm. Your. Prisoner." She coughed. "Then I. Can. Up and. Leave. Whenever. I want." I handed her the glass and she finished it in two gulps.

"Why were you running?" I mentally crossed my fingers in hoping she wasn't the delusional one.

"They. Ran after... Me." I sat down by the couch and looked directly at her.

"Who ran after you?" This was like pulling silk from rope, bloody impossible.

"I don't. Know!" She gulped still struggling, she either must've run very far or wasn't used to this kind of exercise.

"Are you sure they were running after you?" I asked uncertain of what she was getting at.

"Yes! They were. Shouting at. Me."

The typical human reaction probably rotated around the idea that she had been approached by a group of people, however with her lack of memory a bird could have flown over her head and startled her. Really, who knew how far her intelligence extended with or without the memory loss.

"People? People were running after you?" I annunciated every word, it probably sounded like I was talking down to her like a nursery school teacher, but she was making so little sense it was giving me a headache.

Her face turned red and I could almost see the smoke escaping from her ears. "Yes. Did you think. A butterfly was. Chasing me?!" She puffed almost train like, she would make a pretty cute train though I have to admit.

"No, but you're not being very clear on the details." I said raising my eyebrows.

"Struggling to breathe!" She moaned stretching her arms above her head.

I got up and shrugged on my coat. "Where were these people?" I growled.

"On the street."

"No sh*t." I mumbled to myself before leaving the apartment and locking her in. I heard a frustrated huff come from my apartment followed by a rattling door.

"No William!" Ignoring her I ran down the stairs and onto the street.

The streets were busier than the normal, the local elderly weren't doing there usual daily walks, instead the streets were crowded with shoppers and for this area and this retail that was plain odd.

Continuing down the pavement I slalomed round the streams of people and came to abrupt halt. A women yelped at me as I stopped directly in front of her, with a vague apology I stepped out of the way and onto the road. An all too familiar car sat in the middle of the road, the drivers door hanging open, a black Mercedes Benz, my bosses car...

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