Chapter 15

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The door of my apartment was slightly ajar. I hadn't realised I'd been in such a rush when I'd left, now it just seemed all over dramatised. Opening the door I peered over to the couch but no one was there.

"Celia?" I stepped towards her room, though was swiftly intercepted and tackled down to the ground. Celia pinned me down beneath her and glared down at me. "I don't err know what sort of introduction this is supposed to be..but err--"

Honestly she was a very attractive girl, and well a girl pinning you down was as exciting as it gets.

"Did you find out anything?" She growled.

"No, the streets look almost empty." I mumbled trying not to breathe heavily.

"Bulls***! You're hiding something from me, what are you hiding? I thought we were friends." Celia whimpered looking frightened yet fierce all at once, something I once thought was an impossible combination.

"I'm not hiding anything, I'm just worried for your wellbeing." I excused myself lamely, it seemed to work though her features relaxed slightly. "Now, what are you doing?"

"I thought it'd be a good idea to hide and startle you into telling me something. But obviously it was useless, I'm sorry I'm so paranoid. I just I need to know more about my life, what I was, what I am. Please William."

It wasn't getting any easier being trapped like I was, I tried hard to not let it distract me though. "What do you want to know?"

"What's my middle name?" Celia something Green... What sort of friend wouldn't know they're friends middle name. I squirmed the pressure on the spot and being unable to move caught up to me.

"Lilith." I blurted, Celia climbed off of me seeming pleased with my delayed yet answer none the less. Trying to hide the blush forming on my face I ducked into the kitchen, grabbed two glasses and filled them with water.

"What's my mothers name?" This was like a pub quiz, the kind of questions that pop up that itch at you. There's no way I could possibly guess it right.

"I'm... I'm not actually sure, formailities and all the few times we met she introduced herself as Ms Green."

"My mother sounds uptight, what about my father do you know his?" She grinned.

The liklihood of Celia colliding with either of her parents seemed rare, especially considering the circumstances we had found her in... "Jim, I like your dad a bit more than your mum. No offence."

"Do you reckon he'd talk to me, share some memories?" I handed her a glass and slowly swallowed my own water.

I shrugged then looked her in the eye, a low move on my behalf. "Don't hold your breath. But if you want to give him a call..."

Crossing my fingers behind my back Celia's eyes seemed to light up. "Yes! Yes please, William! That'd be great!" She was nearly jumping up and down now smiling like the Cheshire Cat. Dammit.

"I'll go grab my phone and find his number." I speed walked to my room and shut the door behind myself.

"Where's my phone?" Celia questioned through the door.

"No idea, wherever you left it. Though you deleted both your parents number when you fell out." I was getting too good at lying so quickly on the spot, not a talent I was proud of.

"Oh, right."

Skilfully I changed the contact name from 'Da Boss' to 'Jimmy Green' and dialled the number. Someone picked up on the third tone.

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