[39] renhyuck ; the moon is beautiful, isn't it?

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TITLE: the moon is beautiful, isn't it?
GENRE: fluff
PAIR: haechan x renjun

SUMMARY: renjun couldn't believe to see his first love again.

note: sequel to 'stay with me forever' because why not? :D side!markmin

"Hey, hey, Renjun." Jaemin, Renjun's bestfriend, calls him as they are seated at a coffee shop.

He turns to him and raises an eyebrow, "Yes?"

"You never told me about the boy in your lockscreen. Who is he?" Jaemin grins, "And you two look so young in the photo."

Renjun sighs and suddenly looks at his phone. He presses the power button to reveal his lockscreen. It was a picture of him with a boy, just centimeters taller than him. They were smiling while the boy had a toy shovel in his hand and Renjun was holding up a peace sign. "Oh. He's an old friend I met five years ago."

"Huh, five years ago? You were sixteen." Jaemin widen his eyes. "Oh, I'm curious about this guy. Tell me something about him."

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yeah. And did you meet again?"

Fuck. He shakes his head, "Unfortunately, no. For the past years, every summer, I kept coming back to the place where we first met each other, hoping to see him again. But he didn't show up."

"He never came back?" Renjun nods. "Aww, Renjun, that's sad."

"I can't believe I lost my first kiss to a boy I won't get to see again. We knew we wouldn't be able to see each other again after that one summer, but we befriended each other anyway. And now, I'm still hoping to see him one more time." He bites his lips. "I miss him."

Jaemin squeals, "You never told me you had your first kiss. How does it feel?" He flashes a teasing smile and Renjun rolls his eyes.

"I can't explain, I just know it feels good."

"You were sixteen?"

"I know!" Renjun exclaims, "But he asked me, and who am I to decline when his lips looked so tempting and he's that handsome? I'm a bitch."

Jaemin laughs, taking a sip on his coffee. "So, tell me more."

"You're really that curious, huh?" Jaemin just nods eagerly while grinning. Renjun sighs, "I call him Yellow because that's my favourite color. And he calls me Blue as it's his favourite. I met him by the seashore when he accidentally threw a stone at my head. It hurts so bad but I forgave him anyway. He was so flirty and introduced himself to me, so I told him my name too. By that, we decided to be friends."

Jaemin sips on his coffee again, attentively listening to what Renjun is saying.

"After few days, they needed to leave. I got sad, of course. We confessed our love to each other and we promised to never forget about each other."

His friend giggles, "You were sixteen and you had a lovelife? Gosh!"

He chuckles, "Shut up!"

"But it's so sad you had to separate ways that quick and that you never get to see each other again. I feel so sorry for you." Jaemin pouts.


They both turn to the entrance and see a figure of a man. Jaemin smiles and calls him, "Mark hyung!"

Mark approaches their table and greets Jaemin by kissing his cheek. "Hey, guys! Uhm, I'm with a friend but he doesn't want to show himself. He said he's shy."

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