[26] markhyuck ; we're (not) meant to be

978 13 0

TITLE: we're (not) meant to be
GENRE: light angst
PAIR: mark x haechan

SUMMARY: mark and donghyuck were always there for each other, but not meant for each other.

side! hyuckil & marksung, florist! taeil

Lee Donghyuck loved Lee Minhyung.

It's not that Donghyuck doesn't love Mark anymore. He loves him, but not as much as he loved him before. They literally had each other, and for Mark, that's all matters.

Donghyuck and Mark was thirteen and fourteen, respectively, when they first met each other. Mark was shy at that time, he doesn't know how to talk to the younger boy. But luckily, Donghyuck is a cheerful sunshine so he managed to talk to the older boy and Mark was more than happy.

Since then, they became bestfriends and inseperable. There are times that Mark sleeps at Donghyuck's house, and Donghyuck eats at Mark's. Sometimes they would cuddle and watch movies together at the younger's house while his parents let them. They act as if they're a couple, full of happiness between their relationship.

Mark was really happy when Donghyuck came into his life, and so does the latter. He loved Donghyuck so much, he couldn't imagine his life without him. They even promised to be with each other no matter what. But guess some things were not meant for each other, and promises are meant to be broken.

Donghyuck met Moon Taeil, a florist who owns a flower shop nearby their school. He would always come to the shop, not to buy flowers, but to visit the pretty florist. Taeil is happy when Donghyuck visits him almost everyday, the latter helping him sell his flowers to the costumers. The younger male is more than happy to see Taeil almost everyday as well.

On the other hand, Mark met Park Jisung, a young dancer from his school. The first time he met the latter, he never knew he would love him that much. Jisung was shy, just like him when he met Donghyuck for the first time, but he didn't waste the opportunity so he talked to him, just like what Donghyuck did the first time.

Ever since Donghyuck and Mark found someone else, they didn't have time for each other, almost forgetting about each other because they were too busy with their love of their lives. They sometimes fight about tiny issues, and things just fall out.

One day, few years later, Donghyuck and Mark met again at a coffee shop, with their respective partners, and they've never felt so awkward with each other until that day.

"H-hello, hyung. How are you?" Donghyuck was the first to speak, smiling at his bestfriend.

"I-I'm good. Jisung and I were about to move into an apartment together." Mark smiled back, and Donghyuck just nodded.

"That sounds great. I'll be moving into Taeil's house tomorrow. I missed you, hyung."

Mark smiled a bit, "Missed you too."

There were silence and the two just stared at each other. Jisung patiently waited while sitting on a seat and Taeil was already at the counter.

"Uhm, I'll go to my boyfriend now. Enjoy your date!" Donghyuck smiled before waving at his old bestfriend.

"Y-yeah, you too."

Another few years after, Mark and Jisung moved to Canada, Mark's hometown, to have their own life there. While Donghyuck and Taeil moved to Jeju Island and started their own flower shop there as Taeil said he missed selling flowers.

The two bestfriends got married to their respective partners after some years. But Mark wasn't at Donghyuck's wedding, and so does Donghyuck to Mark's. They don't communicate with each other anymore. They started to forget being bestfriends.

Lee Minhyung loved Lee Donghyuck.

It's not that Mark doesn't love Donghyuck anymore, it's just that, some things are not meant for each other, and they have to separate ways.


oh my, this is so lame, i'm sorry :(( i wrote this a year ago, just edited a little bit.

© snowysung

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